What would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life
Today is Lazarus and Aria's birthday and I'm honestly excited for the both of them since this is the first time that they would celebrating their birthday in like 10 years and we are currently setting everything up while Lazarus and Aria are playing with Ariana's daughter and the kids are playing or running around outside
"Babe can you go pick up the cakes" Lauren said as I nodded and started to walk to the car
"Mom I think Zariah is hungry" I heard Aria tell Ariana as walked towards the door and went to the bakery
Lauren's POV
(Later that afternoon)
Luke came back with the cakes just as people started to come and I just noticed that most of Aria's friends are guys and and one girl and laz a mix but they were mostly boys
"Babe were about to show the kids their cakes you coming" Luke said coming in the kitchen as I nodded my head and went to the room we cleared which was an extra dining room
"Okay guys would you like to see your cakes" Ariana said as Lazarus and Aria nodded their heads
"That's cool"Laz and Aria said as the both of them each pointed to their own cakes
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(Lazarus' cake^^^)
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(Aria's cake^^^)
"That's so cute" Aria said referring to her cake as they all went on their own to play with their friends to play and about 30 minuets later we brought every one back in to eat
" One two three,HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU"everyone sang as Ariana came out with the cakes as I turned off the lights and we all saw the candle flames
"Make a wish" me and Luke said at the same time as the song finished and then they blew out their candles and then served everyone cake and then went to the gifts