Lauren POV
So today the most amazing thing ever just happened to me Lazarus just called me mom and that just made my day
"Hey laz come on its time to wake up , it's the first day of 2nd grade yay" I said slightly shaking him to wake up
"Ugghh I don't wanna" Lazarus said pulling the blanket over him hiding his face
"Come on laz it's going to be fun " I said pulling the blanket off him
"Fine" he said walking off the bed as I left to wake up my children
"Hey baby come on you going to be in pre k" I said kissing Nicole on her forehead as she woke up and hugged me as I got her ready she was literally a mini me because of her outfit that is something I would wear when I was in 7th grade
Once I woke up all the kids Luke and I sat down with them and ate breakfast and got their lunches and drive the kids to school and meet their teachers
"Hello you must Luke and Ariana" the lady said as I looked down really quick
"Umm no,no I'm Lauren but that's Luke" I said pointing to Luke as he snaked his arm around my waist
"Oh I'm so sorry, are you his stepmom or" Lazarus' teacher asked awkwardly
"Yeah" I said as I looked at her and she just nodded her head
"Umm well I'm Lazarus' teacher and my name is Ms.reigns" she said shaking our hands as Lazarus ran up to me and Luke
"Mom,dad can I please go over there" Lazarus said pointing to the playground where it seems the older kids are playing
"I'm sorry laz but I don't think that it's time for your class to go outside and you have to ask your teacher" I said as he looked up at me and Luke
"Oh okay" he said as he ran back to his table to color and draw all that stuff , as we talked to his teacher about some up coming school events and all that and then left to drop off Nicole
"Hello guys" the teacher said as we Greeted her back as Luke put Nicole down
"Hi sweetie what's your name" the teacher said bending down as Nicole stepped back and looked back at us asking for permission as I nodded my head
"Nicole, but name for real is Lisa-Nicole" she said as it kinda got under my skin on how she said it, wow Normani and Camzs were right I do act like the grammar queen
"She is so adorable" her teacher said as she showed Nicole and us to her table which was next to some Little boy who was British-American and Luke wasn't to happy about it
"Hey Nicole do you like this seat"Luke asked as I elbowed him in his side as I glared at him
"Yeah I guess" Nicole said as she smiled at us as we meet with Jr and Landon's teachers who introduced themselves and said the same thing Lazarus and Nicole's teachers told us
Later when the kids got out of school and we went to pick them up Lazarus and Jr were talking about something and were just laughing up a storm so we decided to ask what happened
"What's so funny" Luke asked looking out for Landon and Nicole
"Umm when we were at lunch we saw Nicole and some boy playing on the playground and they came in we said hello and the boy got really scared and started shaking" Jr said as I saw Nicole holding hands with that boy she sat next to As I got off the car to sign her out once I did I saw Landon and some girl as I walked towards him the girl walked away and I just signed him out too and walked back to the car with my youngest children
"Hey where were you guys at we were waiting here" Luke said as I just held his Hand while he started the car
"Hey Nicole has a boyyyfrienddd" Jr said causing all of us to laugh expect Luke who just stares at the road
"No he's just my partner, but he's really cute I gotta tell auntie Mila, sel and Sabrina " Nicole said as Luke just shock his head In disapproval as he pulled up to our house while he entered the code so we can get in the drive way
"So tell me all about it" Sabrina said as she picked up Nicole and carried her to the couch as Luke went upstairs as I fallowed
"Hey babe you okay"I said climbing onto his chest while he fixed his pillow
"Yeah, why wouldn't I be" Luke said as I looked at him
"I don't know maybe because your baby has a possible boyfriend"I as he closed his eyes while I talked but his fake smile turn into nothing but a straight line
"Whatever I really don't..."Luke said in between pauses
"Luke don't say that" I said getting frustrated because he doesn't want to show or express any feelings and to top it off he is being really uggg I don't know I guess making ignorant comments
"Luke you do care and it's going to be okay we just have to set a rule about dating till she gets older and when she dose catch her when she falls " I said as his grip on me got a slight bit tighter
"I guess I can't stand the thought of her growing up and going out with guys and at one point have her heart break for the first time and go through broken hearts and the thought of her pouting just kills me I can't have her heart broken Lauren I just can't...that's my baby" Luke said as he let out a loud sigh As he shock his head and I tried to pull him up but it really didn't workout for me
"I know babe but she's growing up and I hope you do realize that we're just 24 we can definitely have more kids in the future " I said as he got up and pecked my lips as we walked back to the living room and got the kids to sit down at the table and give us all the papers that we have fill out and the little things we still need to get for them and called it a night

Our Life a Lukeren story
FanfictionWhat would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life