What would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life
I just got a call from my agent and they said that I'm going to be getting signed by the Miami Dolphins cool right i mean not the team I hoped for but its the start of a new and awesome career and its close to home,I can't wait to tell Lauren
"BABE" I said loudly looking for Lauren since I just walked into the house
"Hey babe, in the kitchen" Lauren said as I walked into the kitchen and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed neck before grabbing a drink from the fridge and taking a seat on the counter watching my lovely fiancé cook
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"How was your day baby" Lauren said as she walked in between my legs and kissed me once more
"So how was your day" she said as we heard a loud cry from upstairs as me and Lauren both ran upstairs
"Hey what's wrong" I said as I saw Nicole on the floor as with a big open cut on her leg just pouring out blood
"Oh my god, Luke she has to go to the hospital" Lauren said as she whipped out her phone and called 911 when we heard Sabrina come in the house with the boys since she took them out today as I ran and stood at the top of the stair case
"Hey Brina Nicole fell and her knee is busted open the ambulance should be coming can you wait outside until they come" I asked fantastically nervous because that's my baby I don't know what I'll do if something tragic ever happens to her and every time she lets out a screeching cry I feel like someone is shooting at me with a gun
"Babe we should take her down stairs" Lauren said through her tears as I held mine back just nodded my head
"Hey princess, it's daddy I'm going to take you down stairs okay so that when the doctors come it will be faster to get to the hospital" I said as I picked her up and her screams and cries became louder every time I step down at this point I'm crying to because I know I'm causing her more pain than she needs to be in
"Mommy what's wrong" they boys said in Unison as Sabrina told them to go in the backyard
"Nicole just got a owwiey okay she'll be fine" Lauren said trying to suck up her years as the boys nodded and did as they where told as I was getting more angry, sad,helpless,and fearful so I just punched the wall and Lauren tried to calm me down
"Baby calm down she going to be okay it's alright" Lauren said as I started crying in her shoulder
"Lo how am I supposed to calm down when my little girl is in pain and I can't do nothing about it" I said as she hugged me and then I saw the ambulance doctors come in the house as Lauren and I both rushed to them to see what's happening since they have Nicole on a stretcher as we got in the back of the ambulance the paramedics told us
"Ma'am , sir it's going to be okay,but from the looks of it she might need stitches " the paramedic told us as he cleaned blood off Nicole's knee that was around the open wound as she cried even more from the antibiotics killing the greens and from the pressure that's being put on her knee