(7 months later)
"Come on Lauren one more push" the doctor said as I pushed as hard as I could and griped Luke's hand tightly as I heard crying and saw Luke cutting the umbilical cord and then one of the nurses took one of my baby girls to get cleaned up
"Luke I can't do this" I said as I looked at Luke who was walking back to my side as I intertwined her hand
"Okay Lauren get ready to push again" the doctor said and after 4/3 pushes my other daughter came out and Luke went to cut the umbilical cord again as he went with the nurses to see them wash up our daughters as I just closed my eyes trying to process that this actually happened right now as Luke walked back in my room and kissed me
"They're beautiful babe they're going to look like you" Luke said as he sat on the chair next to me as I put a cool towel on my head then Luke wiped my sweat
"Umm we have two little people who came to see thief mommy" a nurse said as they handed me my daughters
"Okay so the one on the right is the oldest and the one on the left is the youngest" the nurse said as she walked out and I just sat there and observed my two precious angels then Luke took the one on the left
"So what are their names going to be" Luke asked as I looked at them
"Umm how about you choose hers and I'll choose hers" I said so that the one that we have in our arms are the going to be the one we name
"I have one" Luke and I said at the same time as we quietly giggled
"You go first" Luke said looking at me
"Okay, Lacy Savannah Cena and when we're in the media Lacy Savannah Henmings" I said smiling down at my little girl who was still asleep then looked up at Luke who was smiling at me
"It's beautiful" Luke said as he looked at me and then at our daughter that he was holding
"What about you, what's her name" I asked curiously
"Well her name is, Lila Vanessa Cena And in the media Lila Vanessa Hemmings " Luke said as he looked at Lila as he sat down carefully with her in his arms
"Umm do you'll have names for these two" the nurse said as we nodded our heads yes
"Okay what's her name" the nurse said referring to lacy
"Umm yeah, her name is lacy Savannah Cena" I said the nurse came and put her foot on a ink pad and pressed Lacy's foot against the paper on the clip board
"What,about her" the nurse said walking a little bit closer to Luke as I slightly glared at her, in my defense she didn't need to get that close to Luke or Lila
"Lila Vanessa Cena" Luke said as the nurse got by Lukes side and unwrapped Lila's blanket and put her foot on the ink pad and pressed it on the paper like she did for lacy
"I'll leave you two alone...oh and there are visitors would you like me to send them in its a big group of people?" The nurse said as I nodded my head yes
"Omg lolo let me see them" Normani said as she came and looked at lacy as ally, Dinah,Camila,and the rest of my and Luke's family came in
"Mommy is my little sisters here" Nicole asked in a whisper as I just smiled at her and Cody picked her up and she leaned towards me and observed Lacy
"Ohhh she's tiny" Lazarus said referring too Lila since Luke had sat in a chair so the kids could see their new youngest sister
"Mommy can we go now" Nicole said starting to get fussy and I looked at her and put a finger over my mouth signaling her to quiet down as I looked back down at Lacy

Our Life a Lukeren story
FanfictionWhat would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life