What would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life
It's been a week or so since Lauren and I got back from her tour and our relationship has really gotten stronger since kindergarten lol but for realToday is a really big day , I have a whole day planned for me and Lauren it's going to be so special
"Come on babe lets go"I said as I placed a bandana over her eyes and guided her to the car
"Since when dose MY LUKE at a random time do something like this " Lauren said chuckling
"Can't a guy do something nice for his girlfriend just cuz " I said pretending to be a little taken back
"Whatever " Lauren said as I pulled in the beach
"Okay hold on don't take off your blind fold yet" I said
"Why don i feel sand " Lauren said as I smiled
"I don't know why don't you take off your blind fold and see for yourself " I said as Lauren took off her blindfold and I stood behind her
Lauren POV
Omg this is not what I was expecting am I dreaming is this real I can't believe wha I'm seeing
"Awww babe yes,a thousand times yes" I said while I was still looking at sign Luke made I don't even know how he got those candles to stand up like that
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I turned around and saw Luke on one knee with the most beautiful ring ever
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It was black and had white gold I loved it , it was so me
"Do you like it " Luke said kind of scared
"Yeah I love , did you pick it out your self, because this is so me " I asked as I cupped his face pulling him into a kiss
"I love you so much lolo" Luke said as we walked down the beach when I saw the kids , our families, and friends
"Omg Lauren congrats " Sabrina said pulling me into a hug
"Hey congrats sis, Luke there are no refunds " Taylor said as I playfully pushed her
"Hey Lauren, congrats" Camila,Normani , DJ , and ally said running up to me hugging me
"Hey.....can't breathe" I said causing them to laugh
"We're thrilled to have you as an official member of our family Lauren" Nikki said as we hugged each other
"Okay congrats lolo but can we go eat " Selena said as she side hugging me while we laughed
As we where walking down the beach all 50 of us saw someone one walking towards us as we were walking to the restaurant that was towards the pier
"Lauren, Lauren is that you " a familiar voice that had an accent said as I squinted my eyes trying to see who it was
"Umm Lauren maybe you should get back you know just in case it's a fan or something " my dad said as Luke,Cody, my brother Chris,John, and my dad stud in front of me
"Yeah it is you" the person said again this time I was a little bit scared since we had all the kids with us
"You've got to be kidding me " Luke and Chris said at the same time as we all stopped walking
"Umm its me brad" the person said making me freeze in my position I was at
"Just leave Brad " Cody said standing in front of Luke know what he's capable of
"Ohh look at that your with your little fuckboy " Brad said laughing as Luke was trying to get out of Cody's grip
"Luke come on man just calm down yeah , I mean you got the kids with you do you want them to see this" Cody said trying to calm Luke down
"Hey Luke lets just walk a different way okay " I said handing my mom Nicole
"Yeah just go another way , just like Camila and Lauren, we all had a go right " Brad said laughing referring to one of his band mates comment about me being a "slut"
"Hey young man , you better watch your mouth when it comes to my daughter " my dad said as Luke was fighting trying to get out of Cody's grip when John had to step in because Luke almost broke free
"Mom can you take the kids to the car please, I don't want them to hear or see this" I said as Nikki and my mom started walking towards the car
"Aww come on mate don't act like you didn't know she's had her fair way around the block " Brad said as my dad went up to Brad swinging but Brad countered and punched my dad causing him to fall and Cody and John to let go of Luke , Luke ran towards Brad and punched him on the side of his head knocking him out cold as I ran towards Luke
"Remember that bitch, guess how many people I knocked out with that left" Luke said as he stood over Brad and walked towards my dad making sure he's okay
"Thank you for sticking up for Lauren Luke I know that she's in good hands " my dad said as Luke helped him up
"Now come on this isn't going to slow us down now is it , I believe we have a dinner to attend, yeah " my dad said as Luke grabbed my hand and we meet up with the rest of our families and friends
"Should someone call an ambulance for him or something " Camila said as we got in Luke's Hummer and the rest went with our parents
"Umm no I think he can handle himself " Luke said as he held my hand as we drove to the restaurant
(Towards the end of dinner)
"Umm I would just like to say thank you guys for coming out here to celebrate this very special moment with me and Lauren and Lauren thank you for always being there and sticking by my side when things get hard we lean on each others strengths and we forgive each other weaknesses , you're my everything and anything I cant even believe that this is actually happening I use to go home after our play dates in kindergarten and just dream of this time,of course the biggest ring that I thought you were going to want was a ring pop but now I'm just happy you said yes" Luke said as I got up to give him a hug and kiss
"I love you so much than you'll ever know" I told whispering in his ear
After the Dinner we all went back home and Luke's family stayed in the guest house but as we were going to sleep Luke Started to sing me this really cute song he said he wrote when was only 13
(I know it's by Romeo santos but it's fan fic right)
"I love it baby" I told him snuggling into his chest
"I wrote it for you" Luke said kissing the top of my head before we both drifted of to sleep