What would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life
I woke this morning got dressed, feed Zariah, and right now I just made myself some breakfast but while I was eating I got a call from the adoption agency so of course I answered it.
"Hello" I said into the phone
"Is this Ariana Grande, were calling from the adoption agency" a lady said
"This is she" I said while quietly playing with Zariah
"Oh hello ms. Grande this is Ms. Peters I'm just calling to let you know that papers where approved and around 12:00 this afternoon you can come get Aria" Ms. Peters said as I had to try and hide my outburst that I had Inside of me
"Oh my gosh thank you so much" I said smiling really big
"Sure no problem, see you at noon Ms. Grande" Ms. Peters said before hanging up
"Oh my gosh we're gonna get sissy back" I said to Zariah as she giggled at me and I reached for my phone to call my mom
"Mommy guess what" I said into my phone....and yes I still call my mom mommy,problem
"What's got you all happy" my mom said on the other line giggling
"Im going to get Aria back today" I said as I heard my mom have a little joy outburst
"Oh my gosh Ariana that's amazing, are you going to tell Luke" my mom said as I groaned
"I don't want to but I know that I should" I said as frustratedly ran a hand through my hair
"Well don't you think you should since he has laz and Lazarus has been dying to meet her" my mom said as I groaned but nodded my head even though she can see me through the phone
"Fine I guess" I said as I carried Zariah upstairs
"Thank you and would like me to babysit Zariah through all of this because I don't think that it would be a good idea to ambush her with a lot of people at once" my mom said as I told her yes before hanging up and texting Luke about everything and to only bring Lazarus to come and he texted back that Lauren said the exact same thing so she wouldn't feel like there's too much pressure
"Ariana I'm here" I heard my mom yell through the house and I ran down stairs with my Armani purse and phone in my hand
"Be sure to take a picture so I can see her" my mom said with a smile as I nodded and then kissed her cheek before heading to the door and driving to the adoption place and waited for Luke and then I saw Lazarus get out of Luke's Bentley as I got out my RollsRoyce phantom and saw Lazarus run to me engulfing me in a hug as I laughed and hugged
"Hey it's almost 12 should we go" Luke asked as I nodded as I held Lazarus' hand and walked towards the door
"Mom can I go with you today" Lazarus asked as I looked at Luke who thought about it and then nodded his head
"Sure bud" I said as he nodded and then pulled out his phone and started to play on it
"Hi I'm here for Aria" I said as the lady nodded and the went into Ms. Peters office
"Right this way" the lady said to someone inside the office a girl with light dirty blonde hair looking down came out as the lady guided her to us and when she got closer to us she lifted her head and I was met with those blue eyes that are like grayish purple
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