What would happen if Luke Hemings and Lauren jauregui had children but Ariana grande was one of lukes old flames trying to break up a family. Find out in Our Life
I just woke up turns out when I took my nap last night I slept the whole night and Luke told me that I have a doctors appointment today and I'm actually excited to see my little nugget
"Hey babe do you want anything to eat" Luke asked pecking me
"No can we get something after the doctors appointment" I asked because I'm not that hungry right now
"Yeah sure but you have to eat something you didn't eat last night Luke said as I got up and walked to the restroom to get ready for the day and take a shower
Once I got dressed I went downstairs to see Luke in a dress shirt and black jeans and some all black leather high top vans With his new haircut that I'm still kinda getting use to
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"Babe I hope you're hair grows back to how it was before you looked more cuter" I said while I sent him a warm smile hoping that I didn't come off a bitch
"Well I love you too" Luke said as I pecked his lips as he opened the door for me.
"I'm sorry babe, but I guess it's a good thing so that when I'm even more fatter than I already am all those little thots will not come on to you as often" I said as Luke blushed and open the door to the car for me
"Babe, I only will and always have eyes for you" Luke said as he leaned in and kissed me before we exited the car once we got into the doctors office we signed in and everything and waited about 15 minutes and I was already getting a little grumpy Being that I came like minutes early and some girl who just walked in was already getting seen by the doctor
"Babe just relax" Luke said as he wave a sweet but quick peck on the lips, I gues he noticed my frustration.
"It's not fair" I said lean my head on Luke's should,sounding like a child
"Haha it's okay if you want me to go talk to the lady and...."Luke said but I cut him off
"Nope, you stay right here and cuddle me though" I said as Luke gladly did as I stated
"You know that old couple is looking at us" Luke whispered so low that I could barely hear what he said
"It's not like I'm sitting on your lap or anything it's just a side cuddle" I said as Luke just nodded his head
"Uuumm.....Lauren, Jauregui?" The lady said as I got up and Luke intertwined our hands and boy that chick almost got her head ripped off when I saw her checking out Luke so I did what my natural instinct was and kissed Luke off guard since he was filling out one last paper and he gladly responded while the lady just rolled her eyes
"Umm I think that's it" Luke said as he handed the paper over to the lady who just gave him a small smile and nodded while I was glaring at her as she led us to the room
" umm the doctor will be right with you" the girl said looking at the ground then walking out while Luke held my hand and let me sit down since there was only one chair in the room
"Umm jauregui ,??" The doctor said looking at the folder and i smiled when he looked up
"Hello I'm Dr. Hardy, and I'm guessing that you guys are here for the sonogram, correct" Dr. Hardy asked as me and Luke shook our heads yes
"Okay Lauren can I have sit up here, please my assistant was suppose to have brought in another chair, I'm so sorry" the doctor said as Luke just nodded his head
"So Lauren I'm going to put this on your stomach, it might be a little cold" Dr. Hardy said as I nodded my head
"You don't seem to nervous, is this your first time" the doctor said
"Oh no we have other children" I said as the doctor smiled and Luke held my hand
"Okay, so you see that little shadow like image in the back right" Dr. Hardy said as he turned the screen towards me as I looked at the screen
"Oh yeah " I said while pointing at it
"Well congratulations MS. Jaurgeui you're having twins" Dr. Hardy said as my jaw dropped and I saw Luke smiling like a dork
"Ummm wow, how many months am I?" I asked still in shock as I grabbed Luke's hand
"It looks like you are....about 2 months ms. Jauregui" the doctor said as he handed me a napkin to wipe off the jelly stuff
"Umm let me print out your sonogram, who many copies would you like" the doctor asked as I started to count the people in our family including the girls and Calum since he's the only one who still talks and is close with Luke after the bands break up
"Umm...12?" I said unsure of the doctors response
"It's okay don't feel weird or embarrassed we've had to make more than that at times" the doctor said with a small giggle before he exited the room
"Babe were having twins can you believe it I'm so happy there's two" Luke said as he kissed me and I smiled
"What's wrong?" Luke asked worriedly
"Nothing babe it's just that people say that carrying twins is a more scary and sometimes a dangerous thing when you give birth" I said truthfully as Luke just hugged me and I automatically felt at ease and safe like I always do when I'm in Luke's arms but when he tried to pull away I pulled him back in and kissed him as we made out for a while but then I heard the door knob turn and I quickly pushed him away and he just looked at me with eyes full of lust
"Here you go, and I sent the prescription to your (random pharmacy) and it should be ready by 4:00" Dr. Hardy said as we said thank you and bye before heading out
"Babe I don't think that I'm ready for this,I mean im responsible for two people who are in side of me" I as Luke turned to me
"Babe your not going through this alone,you've got me and i love you so much much " Luke said kissing me before the light turned green and for the rest of the ride I at there with my eyes closed and just thought about what my little nuggets would look like and if they were both going to be boys or girls or a boy and a girl. I also thought about the fact that There are two tiny people growing inside of me and I'm going to be their mommy , I'm going to be up and tiered twice as much as I would've been than if I was only having one kid but I have the love of my life by my side to help me through this Guys I'm having TWINS!!!!