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It had been a few days since I had last seen Alfie storming out of Louise's home. I hadn't seen or spoken to him since. I was at home and his reaction was still on my mind. I didn't want Alfie to be annoyed at me. I felt bad enough as it was. I got my phone out of my bag and thought I would text him.

I wrote 'Alfie I really want to speak about the other day. I hope you're okay, can we still be friends, I don't want this to ruin everything between us. Love Zoe x'

I laid my phone back down, I didn't want to sit staring at the screen until he replied so I got my camera, tripod and lights and set them up to film my everyday make up routine. I got all my make up looked out in front of me before clicking the record button and filming my intro. As I was moving the camera to film my face in a position where I could still see the mirror my phone buzzed, indicating I had a text. I rushed over to my phone and picked it up.

I unlocked it to see a text from Alfie, it read 'Hey Zo, just taking me a while. As you obviously know now, I like you and hearing you say you love someone else is really heard for me. I'll try my hardest but please don't be annoyed if I'm a bit more distant. Especially if your with Jack. From Alfie x'

I sighed after seeing the text. I just wished none of this had happened with Alfie. It has made things awkward between us.

I reluctantly finished filming my video before picking my phone up again and phoning Jack.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?" He spoke.

"Hi Jack. Do you wanna come over? I'm missing you!" I asked. He said yes and I told him just to come over when he was finished doing YouTube stuff with Finn. He said he still hadn't told Finn and me and him after my asking him about it. I persuaded him to let Finn in on our secretive relationship before he came over today and he hung up not soon after. I took my camera cared and put the footage onto my laptop to get ready to edit.


Jack and I were sat in his room filming a video. We hadn't uploaded in a while and thought it was about time we got something up. Jack's phone starting ringing as we were half way through filming. I groaned before telling him to put it on silent.

"I gotta get this" He announced before sliding his finger across the screen and holding it up to his ear. I sat there impatiently as he spoke.

"Hey beautiful, how are you?"

Who is he calling beautiful? I thought to myself. I listened carefully to his side of the conversation before he said goodbye and hung up.

"So, who's the lucky lady?" I laughed to him, being serious inside.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me like the conversation he had on the phone didn't even happen.

"The girl you were talking to? You're obviously going out with her?"

"Yeah" He said like I was already meant to know. He hadn't said anything to me.

"So who is it?" I asked curiously.

"Zoe" He said casually before turning round to the camera again. The memories from Louise's went through my mind again and I felt stupid for not remembering sooner.

"Keep it to yourself though will you? We want to make sure it works before we tell anyone. Especially the subscribers!" He smiled. I agreed before we carried on filming again. Jack hurried off immediately after, leaving me to clean up the equipment. 


I was sitting on my bed editing the video I had filmed that morning when I heard a knock at the front door.

morning little one ▸ zalfieWhere stories live. Discover now