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You know when you watch movies and you just see people staring out of a window through the rain or walking aimlessly down a road just because they had things to think about, family drama or boy troubles, well I always laughed at how stereotypical it was. Yet here I am, walking around aimlessly down the road because what else should I be doing? Where else should I be? Then just like the movies, the rain started. It was heavy rain too, in just minutes I was soaked completely. I had missed calls from Joe and Alfie, voice mails too. I knew what they said before I even opened any of them. They were all asking where I am, if I'm okay, how long I will be. 

The thing on my mind was Jack. When I was on Skype with him earlier I did notice a bit of bruising on his face, and when I told him I was going to Alfie's he seemed almost, pissed off at me. He was being strange.

I decided to walk back to Alfie's. I was just going to get ill walking around outside in the rain. I stood outside his block of flats before I decided to get into my car and drive to Jack's. I needed to speak to him, I needed to know what was going on. I couldn't get my mind off of things. To try and think of something else I put my music on in the car, I bent down to get the USB cable from the floor of my car and I looked up to plug my phone in to see another car coming towards me. They were on the wrong side of the road and I tried to swerve it but I couldn't. The panic sets in and I can feel it in my chest. The hurdling and the spinning and then it just stopped. I feel like I should be screaming or crying, in a lot of pain but I'm not, I'm just in the car and I don't know what on earth to do.


Joe and I figured we weren't doing any good sitting in the house worrying about what was happening so we went out for a walk to see if she was anywhere near. After rushing around for close to an hour we realised she wasn't out. We figured she must have gone back to the flat but when we got there, her car was gone. We were both absolutely freezing since the rain was so bad. I went through to get a pair of jeans and a t-shirt for Joe to borrow when I heard his phone ring from the other room.


"Hello, is this Joesph Sugg? This is nurse Laing from St Mary's hospital in London. Is your sister Zoe Sugg?" The nurse said over the phone.

"Yes, what's happening?" I asked worryingly.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this but your sister has been involved in a car accident and has been quite badly injured."

"Alfie, get your jacket. We're going to the hospital. Em yes, sorry, we'll be right in." I hung up the phone before putting the phone down on the sofa. 

"Alfie how will we get to the hospital!?" I paced back and forth running my hands through my hair. I didn't know what to do. 

"Jack can drive. So we will phone him, he will pick us up and he can drive us there. Zoe will want him there." 


I sat down, and a couple of tears slowly fell down my face. Alfie went into the other room to phone Jack. Why would Zoe even want Jack there? I didn't care, I just wanted Zoe to be okay.


I ran out to the car and put my seatbelt on whilst starting up the car. I drove as fast as the speed limit allows me to Alfie's. Joe and Alfie are waiting outside and as soon as they were in the car I was driving again. Finding a parking space at the hospital was the hard thing. But when we found one we sprinted to the door.

"Hello how can I help?" The girl at the front office politely said with a smile. Just like they always do, didn't they realise everyone at hospitals always felt shitty because someone they loved was in pain.

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