Chapter 38: Zoe! Are you okay?

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Zoe's POV

I woke up that day feeling terrible. I knew today was going to be a bad day for morning sickness. I went straight to the bathroom but shut the door, hoping no to waken Alfie. I didn't succeed. Let's just say I managed about 5 minutes before the door creeped open and Alfie held my hair back for me and I was sick down the toilet for about half an hour. I felt drained and horrible. The worst part being I had a meet up later on today with Louise and Tanya. I couldn't cancel on the subscribers, I would feel terrible, some of them are probably already there waiting for me! I brushed my teeth and put in some dry shampoo and put my hair up in a pony tail. I put on my face of make up and dressed into my disco pants and a blue top that hid my baby bump well. I looked nice, I wasn't happy with how I looked but it was nice. I didn't look pregnant and it upset me, I loved showing off my little bump to everyone. But obviously I couldn't right now.

I met up with Louise and Tanya and we headed to our meet up, there was loads of people and when we got there Marcus and Joe were waiting for us. Marcus ran over to me and hugged me, he hugged me for ages and I laughed.

"Everything okay Marcus?" He leaned in to whisper into my ear obviously not wanting everyone else to hear.

"Congratulations Zo, Alfie told me last night"

I smiled and looked down at my tummy. Trying not to make it obvious to anyone else what we were talking about, obviously it wouldn't be the first thing that came to their mind but you never know what other people are thinking.

"Thank you Marcus"

He gripped onto my arm and we went over to everyone else. I smiled, I was in a really great mood now, another person knew about our child, our precious little baby that I loved so very much. It just made me happy because just one more person knowing made it closer to everyone knowing and me being able to show off my bump to everyone like the proud mother I was rather than hiding it like I was ashamed. Now I could show off my bump when Marcus was around, I wanted to have a quiet night in tonight, with Alfie, Joe, Louise and Marcus. The people that knew about our baby, I could wear a top that showed off my bump, we could talk about our baby. Even if they didn't want to, I could at least be happy and think about it myself.

Our meet up was going good and Marcus and Joe was still there, but behind the curtain so we didn't end up having even more people here to meet them too. There meet up was tomorrow and they could see them then. But they would text me every 10 minutes to make sure I was okay and see if I needed anything. I was beginning to get a little tired, we had been here for about and hour and a half. I texted Joe asking for a glass of water cause I wasn't feeling 100% he practically ran out to me with it. Taking me away from the table where I was meeting everyone. Asking if I was okay, giving me the water, giving me a hug. God, he definitely was a protective brother. I loved it though, knowing there was always someone there that cared, obviously Alfie did but when he wasn't available, like just now, Joe would always make sure he was.

After about 5 minutes of fussing over me Joe said I could go back because I was feeling a little better. Walking away from him, his grip. I felt a bit dizzy and a sudden feeling of nausea came over me. I quickly sat down on the floor before being sick to the side of me twice. I grabbed onto my bump, like I was trying to make sure they were okay. Joe, Marcus, Tanya and Louise had all rushed over to me. I was exhausted and didn't feel well. I told Louise and Tanya to go back and carry on the meet up and that I would just go back to my hotel room. Marcus and Joe took me back behind the curtain splitting the huge hall into two. They sat me down, gave me some water and a bucket and they phoned Alfie. He was here within half an hour. He was panting so much you would think he had just ran a marathon.

"Zoe! Are you okay?"

"I'm just tired, that's all. And I feel a bit sick."

"Joe said you fell over!"

"Well I did but I'm fine!"

"Zoe, your not fine. Come on, let's go back to the hotel."

"Alfie, Joe and Marcus can take me back, you were busy."

"I was just filming with Jim. It can wait until after."

"Just go back to him, Joe and Marcus are capable of looking after me!"

"I'll take you back to the room and we'll see how your feeling okay? Joe and Marcus can come and if your feeling any better I will go back to Jim. Deal?"


When we got back to the hotel I managed to persuade Alfie to go back out and finish his filming. I went to sleep, hoping I would feel better when I got up and Joe and Marcus sat outside in the courtyard just outside my hotel room. So they could still see me through the glass doors but I could have some peace and quiet to get some well needed sleep.

morning little one ▸ zalfieWhere stories live. Discover now