Chapter 48: Diana Deyes

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Zoe's POV

It was now 27th of March and our little girl was still in there. I was beginning to get very uncomfortable now and my midwife said that she would try to get my induced if it didn't happen in the next couple days. I was small, my bump was huge, it just wasn't a good mix. I think Alfie realised I wasn't the most comfortable because he has been being super extremely nice to me. Not that he wasn't before but he is asking me all the time if I'm okay and if there is anything that he can do to make me more comfortable or help in any way. Today we decided to go for a walk because the midwife said a long walk could help labour start. We had walked around our local park about 5 times before I got tired and bored.

"Is there anything else we can do, I've heard spicy food helps? You want to grab some food on the way back to the flat?"

"No thanks babe. She will come when she wants, plus I'm really not in the mood for spicy food."

"Okay little one. We can just go home if you want?"

"Please. I'm tired"

"Course, anything for you!"

We drove back to the flat and I went up and unlocked the door. I went inside and sat down on the sofa and edited a video. I exported it then uploaded it. I ate some tea before I decided to have a shower. I had been having one as often as I could because I didn't feel very clean but it wasn't the easiest thing to do by myself and I didn't like asking for help to have a shower. It sounded silly. Once I had my shower I braided my hair and done my skincare routine. I sat down in my comfy pyjamas next to Alfie and I cuddled him for a while before our little girl started kicking, it was harder and more than I was used to. I was really uncomfortable.

"God, she has never kicked this much before. Feel it Alfie!"

He put his hand on my bump and he raised his eyebrows.

"Wow, I've never felt her kick this much before."

"Neither have I! God it's uncomfortable now."

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, can you get me a hot chocolate?"

"Sure little one"

Alfie got up and went through to the kitchen and I heard the kettle start to boil. I tried to move around to get comfortable but it was really hard. I had finally gotten comfortable when I got a small pain in my lower back. I had been getting these for about a day now but I had read that these can jut be signs and that it isn't necessarily a sign of labour. It also said to note down when you get the pains so I got my notebook out and wrote down the time. The last one I had was about an hour ago. They weren't too bad pain wise so I hadn't told Alfie because I knew he would only worry. I knew what I felt and this wasn't anywhere close to labour. I was excited because I knew this meant that it was coming. The very early stages of labour but nothing major.

I was laying in bed trying to sleep, Alfie was next to me. Silently sleeping, he looked so perfect. I loved him so much. I couldn't sleep properly, the pains were starting to become worse and they were becoming about 20 minutes apart now. The pain had become a bit worse and they lasted between 20-30 seconds. I managed to breathe through them quiet enough that I didn't waken Alfie but I think I was going to have to waken him soon because it is starting to move faster than I expected it too. People said that on your first child the labour seems to progress slower but mine hasn't. It is moving quite fast. I just managed to drift off when I got a pain again. This one was worse than the others and I couldn't do this by myself. This was definitely contractions now.

"Alfie! Alfiee."

He sat up and rubbed his eyes and moaned until he noticed I was sitting up and holding my bump.

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