Chapter 31: Oh my god I can't do this.

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Zoe's POV

It has been a couple weeks since me and Alfie decided to tell the viewers about us moving in together and being engaged. We were going to film the video tomorrow but today I was in the mood to go swimming.

"Alfie, you want to go swimming today?"

"Thought you were on your period?"

"No, what makes you think that?"

"It says on the calendar you should of started 5 days ago?"

"Oh, I never noticed. Well I'm not, want to go swimming anyway?"

"If you want babe."

"Okay, can you get the stuff ready, I have some things I have to do before we go."

"Sure babe"

I went through to the bathroom and I got my phone out of my pocket. I locked the bathroom door and I clicked on my contacts. I scrolled through them until I found 'Chummy ♥' I clicked on her then 'call'. It rang multiple times before she picked up.

"Hey chummy."

"Louise, something's wrong."

"What's happened?"

"I'm late."

"What you late for hun?"

"My period, it's late."

"How long?"

"5 days, thing is Louise. I'm never late. I never have been."

"I'm sure it's nothing Zo"

"What if it is something Louise?"

My voice buckled and my eyes filled up with tears. All these thoughts were swimming around in my head and I was so confused.

"Look, I'm sure it's nothing. If it is something then we can decide what to do from there. Don't panic until we're sure."

"Okay, I won't."

"Now, I will come see you. I can catch a train soon so pick me up from the train station in a couple hours okay?"

"Okay chummy, thank you."

"It's fine, love you Zo"

"Love you Lou."

I hung up the phone and gripped it in my hands. I sat on the bathroom floor and I brought my knees up to my face. Tears started to slowly roll down my cheeks.

"Zo, is everything okay?"

"Em, yeah. But you know what I don't want to go swimming anymore. I think I'm gonna head into town for a while."

"Em, okay. You want me to come?"

"No, it's fine. I haven't been in myself for a while."

"Okay, I'll stay here a film a couple videos."

"I'll just be out"

I stood up and unlocked the door. I got changed and I sorted my hair and make up before grabbing my purse and heading out. I got into my car and I just sat there for a while thinking. Then I started up the car and I drove off, I just drove I wasn't going anywhere specific. I just drove around London. I drove past hyde park. Deciding to go for a walk I parked my car and I left my stuff in there, I got out and locked it. I started to walk around just thinking about everything that would happen if it was true. If it wasn't. What I wanted, how Alfie would react what the subscribers would think. What would Joe think? I just told them a week ago about getting engaged. They took that well but this is a lot bigger! Oh god, I walked around for about a hour before deciding to head back to the car. I got in and drove to the train station. I parked my car and I walked down to the platform Louise was going to get off at. I paced back and forth until a train stopped. Everyone started to get off and I looked around everywhere for Louise. I quickly spotted her with her pink ombre hair. I walked over to her and her arms were extended out towards me for a hug. I ran into her arms and broke down crying.

Louise's POV

After Zoe had stopped crying we went up to her car. She sat in the drivers seat and I sat in the passenger side.

"Are you okay now?"

She sighed. "Yeah."

"Now, here's what your gonna do. Your going to drive to a pharmacy, we will both go inside and get a few pregnancy tests. Then we will come back out to the car and drive home. When we go inside you will go to the bathroom and I will wait with Alfie. We wont tell him what it is your doing, he will just think your at the toilet. No matter what the result is you will use all three of the tests just to make sure the result is right. I will know what the result is by the way you act when you come out. Does that sound okay?"


"Okay, now we will take it in baby steps from here. Let's drive to the pharmacy closest to your flat."

We drove for about 15 minutes in silence until we reached a pharmacy.

"Okay, now we will walk inside and find some tests okay?"

"Yeah, I can manage that."

I got out of the car and so did Zoe then we locked it and walked inside the chemist. We picked up three pregnancy tests and we put them in Zoe's purse before going back to the car.

"Okay, now we drive home."

"That's easy."

"It sure is!"

After the 2 minute drive we pulled up outside the block of flats.

"Okay, now when we go in you run to the bathroom and I will tell Alfie that you met me when you were shopping in London and you said I could stay the night rather than paying for a hotel."

"Okay, then I just take the three tests and I come out to see you."


"What do I do if they are positive?"

"Then we tell Alfie."

"Oh my god, I can't do this."

"You can Zo, you have to."

"Your right, I need to be strong. I can do this! Come on lets go!"

Zoe pushed open her car door and slammed it shut then locked it. She opened the door with her key and we went up the flights of stairs. She took a deep breath before opening the door and quickly speed walking to the bathroom.

"Hey Alf."


"Surprise! Zoe ran into me when she was shopping, she said I could stay for a couple nights rather than paying for a hotel, hope that's okay?"

"Yeah, sure it's fine! Nice to see you!"

Alfie came over and hugged me. I have been fine until now, seeing how normal Alfie is acting right now and Zoe could be pregnant. He doesn't have a clue what's going on and I know everything. Zoe is in there right now. Alfie's life could be changed forever right now and he doesn't even have a clue.

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