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A couple weeks later, after I had eaten through many tubs of ice-cream and cuddled with Alfie for nearly the whole time. I felt better. I had realised that I didn't need Jack. I didn't need someone in my life that was going to treat me that way.

I was talking to Alfie about how excited I was about getting my casts off soon, three days to be exact.


I sat, scrolling through my twitter feed when I saw the tweet from Finn.

Congratulations to my twin @Jacksgap! Love you man.

I went onto Jack's twitter feed to see what Finn was tweeting about. It was at the top of his profile.

Hey guys! New video up with my 'very special' guest!

I clicked on the link that was attached and as soon as the video started and I saw Jack's 'very special guest' the first thought in my mind was shit. On my screen there was Jack and sitting next to him was Fleur. They were announcing their relationship online.

After realising the video was still up in my browser, I clicked off the video. All I could think about was how to tell Zoe. I could tell she might not be very happy with me if she knew I had seen it and not told her. 

I walked through to where I knew Alfie and Zoe were sitting. I could hear Zoe talking to Alfie about her and Jack. About how it would have been embarrassing for her if they had told a lot of people. I went into the room before just telling her.

"Zoe I've seen something on twitter. I thought I should tell you before anyone else does. Jack has a new video up. With Fleur, his new girlfriend.

Zoe just looked at me, I couldn't tell how she was feeling. I felt guilty for telling her but I knew she would have found out as soon as she logged onto twitter anyway.

"Are you okay?" Alfie asked her. It was good to know Zoe always had someone looking out for her.

"You know what, I am okay. There is absolutely no point in making myself upset over nothing. I can't do anything about it. If he's happy now, why shouldn't I be? I have you guys!" I laughed, expecting Zoe to be upset, not happy about the situation.


Alfie and I were sitting watching TV. My head laid on his chest, his arm was around my shoulder and I was listening to his heartbeat more than the TV. 

"Thank you Alfie" I said quietly. "Thank you for being here for me since the accident and the whole thing with Jack. I really appreciate it."

"It's nothing for you Zo." Alfie said, his hand moving along my arm.

I looked at up Alfie to meet his gaze. I saw the light bouncing on his beautiful brown eyes. He leaned forward, closer to my face and I let him. I felt his lips  on mine and I closed my eyes, instantly moving closer to him. I kissed him and it felt completely different from the last time. I felt something inside of me that I has never felt before. 

I had swore to myself that I didn't like Alfie this way. I had always thought of him as my friend but what I felt inside of me at the touch of our lips definitely wasn't something I had felt for any of my other friends. 

We moved away from each other slightly, I felt Alfie's heartbeat under my hand. It was racing and mine was the same. I had just kissed Alfie Deyes, and I liked it.

"Woah" Alfie breathed. His hand moving hair out of my face. "You have no idea how long I have waited to do that." He smiled at me. I didn't have to say anything back to him. I couldn't. I had so many feeling rushing around inside of me right now I didn't think I physically could say anything to him.

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