Chapter 20: Zoe you are the best I love you.

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Alfie's POV

We finally got to Nandos after being stuck in traffic. I took Zoe's hand and we walked into the restaurant. I instantly noticed the table full of our friends.

"Zoe look!" I pointed over at the table of our friends.

"Yeah I know, I got them all here. For us, to celebrate us."

"Zoe, you are the best, I love you."

"I love you to babe. Lets go sit down with everyone."

I kissed Zoe then went over to the table.

"Hey guys"

Everyone turned round and looked at me and Zoe. We sat down with everyone and spoke about us. Everyone congratulated us and we just had a really good time.

Zoe's POV

After having a really good meal at Nandos some of us decided to go out to a club. Alfie, Joe, Jack, Finn and me decided to go and everyone else went home. We found a couple of taxis and got in. Alfie and me went in one and Jack, Finn and Joe went into another one.


"Yeah babe?"

"I'm nervous"

"Aw babe, why?"

"There is going to be a lot of people there Alfie."

"Aw, Zo. Don't worry. I'll stay with you."

"Okay, thank you."

We got to the club after the 10 minute drive. I got out of the car and Alfie got out after me. He held my hand and we walked into the club with Joe, Jack and Finn. The music was really loud and there was so much people but I was determined not to let my anxiety get the better of me. I could do this. We went into the club and got a drink then went out on the dance floor. Alfie and I were dancing together and Jack and Finn were talking to girls. No surprise.

"You okay?"

"Yeah I'm great! Thanks for this!"

"Your welcome!"

We danced and had a few drinks and spoke all night. It was getting late so Joe, Finn and Jack went to get a taxi back to theirs and me and Alfie got a taxi back to his. Even though his car was a Nandos we couldn't drive because we were a bit tipsy so we just had to get a taxi home and we would have to get a taxi to Nandos sometime tomorrow to pick up Alfie's car.

Alfie's POV

I had had a really good night with everyone, Nandos was lovely and I had an ace night out at the club afterwards with Zoe, Joe, Jack and Finn. I was ready to go home though. I was really tired and a bit drunk. After me and Zoe got into the taxi we went home. We had a kiss in the back of the taxi and we just spoke about whatever. Zoe was a bit drunk too so we weren't really paying attention or caring. When we finally got back to the flat we went up stairs and finally got inside. Zoe went straight to bed, she didn't take off her shoes or brush her teeth. Then again she was probably too tired to care. I got my phone out and checked my twitter and the comments on the new video, which were mostly still positive. This was going to work. I knew it would. I love Zoe so much. I went into my room and got down to my boxers. I took of Zoe's shoes and put the duvet over her and I got in beside her. I kissed her forehead and turned around and fell asleep after a really good day.

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