Chapter 45: shopping in Primark.

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Zoe's POV

The comments were all so positive and I just couldn't believe it. I was in tears and Alfie was hugging me. I was so happy that people approved. It made me that much more excited for this baby to come. My youtube channel and my subscribers were such a huge part of my life and I was going to take them on the rest of this journey with me. I got a phone call from Louise congratulating me on all the positivity on the video. I was sobbing in tears on the phone to her too. You think I would be have stopped by now but my emotions got in the way of that and once I had started I just couldn't stop. I had many text messages from friend and family members that day congratulating me on the positivity.

Alfie's POV

It had been a month since we had told the subscribers that Zoe was pregnant. We were now out for tea with Louise, Matt and Darcy. We were at Nandos, our favourite place to eat. We were just having dessert and Louis spoke.

"So Zoe and Alfie. We have some news."


"Well, we found out the sex of the baby today!"

"Oh my goodness guys! That brilliant! What is it!?"

"We're having a little boy!"

"Oh guys, that is amazing! We are so happy for you!"

"Thank you!"

We carried on the rest of our meal and we headed back to me and Zoe's flat. Louise put Darcy to bed in the spare room and the four of us sat in the living room talking. Zoe felt the baby kick again, which I always loved. I had felt the baby move a few times but it never lasted for long and I often wasn't around when it happened.

The next morning Louise and Zoe decided to go shopping. Matt and I just decided to stay at the flat with Darcy. We didn't mind, I loved spending time with Darcy.

Zoe's POV

Louise and I were out shopping in Primark. We had our baskets and was just looking around. I had a successful time and so did Louise. We had to leave our baskets at the fitting rooms because I got tired from carrying mine and Louise was getting tired as well. Since we both looked pregnant we didn't have to tell the lady and she said just to come back and get them before we were going to pay for the things. We thanked her and grabbed another basket each. We decided we had enough clothes, shoes and jewellery for ourselves so we headed down to the baby clothes and looked through them. I found the most adorable clothes ever. I picked out a whole basket full of cute little shoes, dresses, t-shirts and trousers. There were also some of the most adorable bibs and baby grows too which I picked out. I also picked out a few boy things to give to Louise when she has her baby. I loved picking out clothes for my little girl than I did for myself.

When we got home Alfie and Matt laughed at how much we had bought. Louise, Matt and Darcy didn't spend too much time at the flat and they headed home. This was when I done a fashion show for Alfie. He thought that all the bags were filled of clothes for me but only 2 of them were. The other one was filled with baby clothes. I had actually bought the same amount for me and the baby but since the baby clothes were smaller they only needed one bag. I tried on all my clothes and I was pretty tired afterwards. Alfie told me how much he liked everything. Like he always does. I got changed into my pyjamas then brought through the bag filled with the baby's clothes.

"I thought you tried everything on?"

"I did, I got some other things though."

I sat down on the seat opposite Alfie and set the bag beside me. I pulled out a little pink dress and Alfie's big smile that I loved so much spread across his face, showing me his lovely teeth. I showed him all the clothes and shoes I bought and afterwards both of us were in such a happy mood. I tidied up the baby clothes and put them in the spare room. I went back through to the living room and then me and Alfie cuddled on the sofa and watched a film. It was a perfect finish to a perfect day and I couldn't be happier.

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