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Author's Note - I would just like to say that in this story Fleur is single!


I sat editing a video when my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw I had a text from Zoe.

zoe x
Hey, haven't seen you in a while, you busy? i love you xxx

Hey. Yeah actually I am busy today sorry. We could meet up later in the week? x

zoe x
Yeah sure, just let me know when you're free? xxx

Yeah. Alfie stay over recently? x

zoe x
He's stayed over for the past week.. xxx

Ok, talk soon

zoe x
Bye xxx

After the pretty annoying and slightly awkward conversation with Zoe. I checked the time to see how long I had left before going to meet Fleur. It was 11 o'clock. That meant I was already late. I sighed before grabbing my shoes and running out to the car. I drove quickly to the Starbucks where we had agreed to meet.


Jack was taking a long time to get here. I had already finished one coffee and I had just ordered my second one. I looked out the window and saw Jack at the other side of the road, trying to cross. After about a minute he ran over the road and into Starbucks. I laughed at him, he looked so rushed. He looked around to see where I was. After he noticed me, looking at him, he walked over smiling and sat down.

After the usual conversation everyone had we decided to go back to Jack's place. There wasn't really much to do around where we were anyway. We finished our coffee's before getting into Jack's car and headed towards his place.


Alfie had stayed over for the past week. He was staying on the sofa next to my bed. He was giving Joe a rest from looking after me. I felt like a child, always needing someone to look after me. We were watching some film that was on TV, I wasn't really paying attention though.

"Alfie, is there any chance you can take me to Jack's?"

He seemed a little surprised at my question but none the less agreed to take me there if that's what I wanted. He took me out to the car and towards Jack's house. I wanted to see him and find out what's going on.


Finn had taken our parents out for a meal because he had something to tell them or, I don't even know. I wasn't really listening to him. Anyway, Fleur and I were in the living room, sitting on the sofa.

"So what do you wanna do?" She asked, smiling at me.

"Not sure babe? It's up to you"

"It is your house you should have an idea?"


He didn't say anything back. He just leaned forward and placed his lips against mine. He made it more passionate and we laid back on the sofa, helping each other undress. We all knew where this was going to be heading.


Fleur and I lay on the sofa kissing as I hear a knock at the door. We both ignore it, people usually just leave when no-one answers.

"Jack?" I heard Zoe's voice shouting from the other side of the door.

"Fuck." I whispered.

"Why is that such a problem? I don't care if she finds out. She's a friend. I'll get dressed though." Fleur laughed and I put my hand on her mouth so Zoe wouldn't hear.

"I'm dating her!!" I still whispered whilst taking my hand off of her mouth. Her face looked extremely alarmed.


"Shhhh! You'll have to hide." Fleur and I both scatter around the room picking up our clothes and trying to get the rest of our clothes on at the same time. Before we had a chance, Zoe was wheeled into the room by Alfie.

"Jack?" She half-shouted, I looked at her alarmed, shit. Zoe then noticed the both of us, looking guilty as hell, half dressed together. Zoe looked absolutely devastated, I feel terrible. What on earth have I done?

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