Chapter 34: We're sorry Zoe.

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Zoe's POV

I knocked and slowly opened the front door to Alfie's house. I went inside and I shut the door. I took off my shoes and I went towards the living room. I peaked my head in through the door. Alfie was sitting on the chair facing the door. Sitting there giving me his big beautiful goofy smile, it instantly put me in a better mood. I quietly went over and sat on the edge of the chair Alfie was on. Looking at his family, they slowly started to smile.

"We're sorry Zoe."

"It's fine, really. I can understand the shock you must be in"

"We have thought it over, and even though you and Alfie haven't been together long. We know how happy you are, how much you love each other and how perfect you are together. We are extremely happy for you both."

"Thank you"

"Right, I think that's enough for one day. We will have to get heading home."

Alfie stood up and gestured for me to take his hand. I grabbed onto his hand and we walked towards the door. I slid on my shoes and we said goodbye to his family. I hugged them goodbye and I sat in the drivers seat of my car. Waiting on Alfie to come in. After a few moments of talking to his mum he walked over and slid into the passenger side of the car.

After the drive home I headed up to the flat and Alfie sat down on the sofa. I laid down next to him, putting my head onto his lap, I looked up at his face. Looking down at me I could see his beautiful eyes looking at me.

"I love you Alfie."

"I love you Zoe."

"We are going to be the best parents ever." I looked down at my tummy, realising that in a couple months I would actually start to look pregnant. That would mean I would just be doing sitting down beauty videos. And when out in public I would have to try and hide my baby bump. Not because I was ashamed, I would be a proud mum. But in case I met into a subscriber and we hadn't told them about me being pregnant yet. And since I was so petite you would notice my baby bump very early on.

I woke up in my bed, the morning sun streaming in through the window into my face. I moaned, turning away from the sun and cuddling into Alfie's chest. Instantly feeling ten million times more safe. I must of fell asleep on the sofa last night and Alfie carried me into the bed, I was still in my clothes from the day before but I was extremely tired and I couldn't be bothered getting out of bed to change. Alfie stroked my hair, letting me know he was awake but we didn't say anything. We just laid there in the peace and quiet, embracing the fact we were here, together.

The day was pretty standard. Editing some videos, e-mailing people about future meetings. I pretty much stayed in bed the whole day though. I slept a lot and I was taking advantage that I could use the excuse 'I'm eating for two now'. I stuffed my face with food and I went onto my MacBook. It was a really nice day. Alfie went out a couple of times to figure out some things with people. I didn't leave the flat once. I phoned Louise and spoke to her for a couple hours about the day before. We decided to go shopping in a few months for maternity clothes and baby clothes and I was so excited. Baby glitter and baby Zalfie could be best friends just like me and Louise!!

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