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I always just walked into Jack's house uninvited, but I never thought in a million years that I would walk in on this, not that I walked, but I think I'm understood. He told me he loved me! He was with Fleur, I thought she was my friend! I had no clue what to do, I just looked at the situation in silence. The two of them in front of me clearly must have felt the same now, shock. They both just stayed where they were, looking at me. They must have expected me to say something, I couldn't. Tears started to pool in my eyes before falling down my face.

"Zoe, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!" He pleaded, moving towards me. I cringed, not wanting him any closer to me than he already was.

"How could you do this to me? I thought you loved me." I cried more, not being able to stop it. I felt like I was shouting but I knew that I wasn't because of the tears.

"It's his fault!" He pointed his finger at Alfie, "He's the one that would never leave us alone, he was the one that pushed me away from you!" Jack was shouting, he was half dressed by now. I felt horrible, why would he blame this on Alfie!?

"Don't you fucking dare blame this on me you asshole! You're the one who fucking cheated on my best friend! I care about her!" Alfie moved from behind me and towards Jack.

"You wont leave her alone! You're like some weird obsessive stalker of hers!" Jack and Alfie looked like they were going to murder each other.

"You're just jealous aren't you, Zoe has spent her past week with me and she has enjoyed herself! Shame it wasn't you with her!" Alfie's voice just kept getting louder and louder. I didn't know what to do.

"Why would I be jealous of you?" Jack scoffed, "I have spent long enough with Fleur know anyway!" It felt like they were competing in who could shout the loudest.

Alfie lunged forward and pushed Jack to the ground. He moved down next to to him and started to punch him. He kept punching and I couldn't even blink I was in such a shock. I had never seen Alfie like this before.

"Alfie! Stop it! Alfie! You're hurting him!" Fleur was screaming at Alfie and I just let the tears fall down my face. Alfie wouldn't stop.

"Alfie, can you take me home please?" I whispered, hoping he would hear me over the sound of his own fists hitting Jack.

Alfie stood up, leaving Jack lying on the floor. Fleur rushed down next to him and I just sat in my chair waiting for Alfie to take me out of here. Away from this mess.

Alfie looked down at Jack again, "You are a fucking asshole Jack Harries! I never thought you would be so vile to Zoe, and you know what Fleur, I expected better of you too." Alfie turned around ad walked towards me, leaving the couple on the floor.

"Alfie, Zoe. I didn't know about this until now. I'm sorry." Fleur sounded as if she was going to cry as well. Alfie ignored her, and so did I. He stood behind me and pushed me out of the door and to the car again, taking me home.


When I reached the comfort of my make-shift bed downstairs, I broke down. I cried and cried and Alfie just lay next to me, letting me cry into his chest. The rest of my day was spent like this. My phone continuously buzzed, indicating calls I knew were from Jack and Fleur. Alfie had to leave at the end of the night, but he informed Joe on the situation before leaving.


After telling Joe what happened at Jack's house, I left him with Zoe. They had an episode of her favourite TV show on and she was crying into him now instead of me. I stepped outside the Sugg house and I got my phone out of my pocket. I found Jack's number in my contacts before dialling his number. It only took a few rings before he answered.

"Alfie, please, let me explain." He begged across the phone, his voice sounding muffled, I knew I had busted his lip earlier.

"Right, me first. Listen. You and Zoe are over, okay? You cheated on her with one of her friends! She hasn't stopped crying since we got back here. She is broken. As far as I'm aware, there is nothing left to fix between the two of you now. You have treated her like crap and I know she wont take you back! She deserves better anyway." I made my point clear, not shouting but letting him know that I was serious.

"Alfie, please. Just let me talk to her. Let me explain." He pleaded.

"I guess that Fleur is still with you. Let her know that we're aware she didn't know about the situation but can she just leave Zoe alone right now. She was a huge part in what has happened." I informed him, or her. Whoever was listening.

"I'm sorry Alfie." I heard her say from the distance.

"Okay, well I've said what I wanted to say now. So goodbye." I hung up the phone, walking back inside the house to see that Zoe was now asleep and Joe was sitting in the other room. I sat down next to Joe and sighed.

"I can't believe that dick cheated on my sister. He needs to be taught a fucking lesson. I want to smash his face in" Joe sounded so angry.

"Don't worry little Sugg man, I had that taken care of. It was awesome, he looks beautiful I'm guessing." I laughed a little at the sight of Joe's expression. He seemed delighted and shocked at the same time.

"You didn't? Holy crap, I love you right now." Joe laughed, looking at me.

"Well, he deserved it. He blamed me for the fact he was cheating on Zoe with Fleur. I was called an obsessive stalker, and practically said he prefers Fleur to Zoe anyway." I laughed at the memory of what happened only earlier in the day but felt like days ago.

"God, my hatred for him is strong." Joe seemed less annoyed since he knew I got a few punches in.

"Yeah, don't worry man. You're not the only one."

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