Chapter 37: Marcus Zoe is pregnant.

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Zoe's POV

Me and Alfie were on our way to the airport with Joe. Today I was going to travel to LA for vidcon. I was super excited and super anxious at the same time. I was so excited to be there, but the 11 hour flight was one of the worst things I could ever think of. At least I would have Alfie there with me.

Waiting in the terminal in the line for boarding the plane I don't think I could of been holding Alfie's hand any tighter. I was so nervous and I just wanted to go home. I was wearing some leggings and a tank top with a fluffy top. I know that I looked pregnant in the tank top but I doubt I was going to meet any subscribers right now.

The flight wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I managed to stay okay during the flight, I didn't panic, in fact most of the time I was sleeping. I was sick a couple times with morning sickness but I couldn't help that.

When we got to the hotel we were going to be staying at until after vidcon, Alfie booked us in and we headed up to our room and Joe went to his. The room was amazing, the bed was huge. It looked to comfortable! It looked to comfortable I ended up falling asleep on it for about 3 hours. Alfie unpacked my things for me and unpacked his things, he edited for a while and had a shower. When I woke up I decided to have a shower because the flight made me feel horrible and we were going to go out for something to eat with everyone else that had arrived.

Getting out of the shower I dried and straightened my hair, I pinned back the front of my hair so it wasn't in my face and I put on a cute outfit and I put on some mascara and concealer. (A.N PICTURE AT SIDE OF WHAT SHE WORE) I took Alfie's hand and we went to meet up with everyone else. Marcus, Louise, Joe, Caspar, Alfie and me were all here so we headed to the cheesecake factory because it was the closest place to eat to our hotel and I was extremely tired.

When we got back I took off my makeup, put my hair in a bobble and I changed into my pyjamas. I got straight into bed and fell asleep, looking forward to the next day.

Alfie's POV

I knew that Zoe was extremely tired so I managed to make up and excuse that we had to leave, telling them that I had a video I wanted to upload tonight and I wasn't finished editing it. Getting back to the hotel Zoe practically went straight to bed. I got my headphones out and I uploaded my video I had finished editing earlier. I was going to upload it tomorrow but because I told the rest of the guys I had a video to upload I thought that I should just upload it now.

I was thinking a lot whilst laying in bed next to Zoe. I looked at how peaceful she was and smiled, she was so beautiful. I thought about how I was going to stay by her side the whole of vidcon practically, and if I wasn't by her side then I would make sure that Joe was. I didn't want her to be unprotected and I couldn't ask any of my friends like Marcus or Jim cause I hadn't told them yet. That reminded me that I was going to tell Marcus one to one before we got to the house in the hills of LA after vidcon. I decided that since I wasn't going to sleep anytime soon I would get dressed again and meet him and tell him now. I had nothing to do and I doubt he did either.

After I got dressed I got my phone from the dresser and I quietly went out into the hotel lobby. I scrolled through the contacts in my phone reaching Marcus. I clicked on his name then the call button.


"Hey Marcus! You busy?"

"Alfie, it's midnight what are you planning?"

"I need to tell you something?"

"I'm not busy, some to my room."

"What room number are you?"


"Sure, be there soon!"

"See you soon mate."

I hung up the phone before making my way towards Marcus' room. I did feel a bit wary leaving Zoe by herself but the room was locked, she would be fine. When I got to Marcus' room I knocked on the door before he answered. I walked in and sat down on the chair he had in the corner of his room. I was so excited to be able to tell my best mate ever that I was going to be a dad!

"So what was it you had to tell me?"

"It's Zoe"

"What about her! Is she okay?"

"Woah, Marcus calm down she's fine!"

"Then what is it?"

"Marcus" there was a silence for a few seconds before I smiled one of my big goofy smiles that Zoe loved and I told him.

"Marcus, Zoe is pregnant"

He just looked at me in shock, he laughed a little. I was unsure of his reaction at first before he leaned forward and hugged me.

"Well done mate!"

"Marcus, god you scared me! I thought you weren't happy about it!"

We both laughed, stayed up talking about it for a while. I told him Zoe had her 8 week scan a few days ago and that everything was fine. I told him that we were going to tell everyone else when we got to the house. I told him that only him and Louise knew except from the obvious people, our family members. I told him that we had to make sure Joe, me or him had to be with her to make sure she was okay. He agreed, saying he would happily do that. He was glad I told him one to one, we were best mates after all. Malfie, the best bromance ever!

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