Poor Bunny!

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After about another 2 hours I got the hang of running and not bumping into things, Gerard played tag with me and whenever he caught me he kissed me. Couldn't say I didn't try not to be caught. I slowly sat down and he stood up looking at me smiling.

"Gerard" I sighed "Does Frank think me and him are together now his my master?" I asked looking up and Gerard dropped his smile.

"Probably, he'll soon learn that you aren't though" I nodded and smiled.

"What do I learn now" I asked and Gerard gulped.

"Hunting..." He whispered and I nodded.

"Not humans, please" I begged and he pulled me up. He smiled slightly and shook his head, I hugged him tight.

"Not yet. Just animals"

"NO, Poor animals!" I cried out and he laughed.

"Harsh but it's that or killing someone painfully" He whispered and I nodded. I pulled away and took a deep breath, he ran and I followed him. He ran out of the house and into the deep part of the forest. He stopped and I stopped next to him. There was a rabbit hopping about, it looked so fluffy and cute. If he wanted me to kill it then he has another thing coming.

"I can't" I whispered and he shook his head.

"You have to, watch and learn" He said and ran towards the bunny. He picked it up and sunk his teeth into it. I gagged as the blood dripped down its white fur. He literally drained it so the blood stopped dripping. He dropped the bunny on the floor and it looked 10x skinnier. He ran back over to me and wiped his mouth.

"Poor bunny" I whispered and he shrugged.

"Your turn" He whispered and I shook my head.

"You need to or else you'll end up starving yourself until you can't control yourself, like what happened to Mikey" He whispered the last bit and I saw another bunny. I swallowed hard and ran to it, picking it up and sinking my teeth into it. It made out a squeak but I drained its body quickly. I dropped it when it went limp and Gerard ran over to me.

"That was... Weirdly nice" I said disgracefully.

"You killed it quickly, now we need to work on less painful" He told me and I nodded, If I did have to kill then I want to end the persons life quickly and painlessly. Its really the least I could do. I licked the blood from my mouth away and Gerard watched me.

"What now" I whispered and he came closer to me.

"Frank's watching us" He whispered and walked forward, I followed and tried looking for Frank. I felt arms wrap around my waist and I quickly turned around to see Frank smiling.

"I saw what you just did, well done" He smirked and I smiled at him.

"Never thought of killing a bunny in my life" I whispered and he chuckled hugging me. I hugged him back, we're just friends right?

"Well I'm proud of you, Gerard was right. You are a fast learner" He whispered in my ear and I pulled back slowly. I watched his arms drop to his side and he looked upset a little. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Frank... Do you think we're together? Cause we're not" The words forced themselves out of my mouth, he raised an eyebrow and looked... Hurt.

"I Know" He whispered and frowned slightly. He wouldn't order me to love him surely? Gerard walked beside of me and looked at Frank.

"Maybe you should run it off Frank" Gerard whispered and Frank ran. I looked at Gerard and shrugged. "He'll calm" He told me and I nodded.

"At least now he knows" I half smiled and Gerard hugged me. "Why do I feel so guilty" I whispered and he hugged me tighter.

"You're a vampire, your emotions are stronger" That means I love more, I hate more... What If I hate someone and do something stupid? I really couldn't live with myself.

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