Control yourself!

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Iv'e been running, running for so long I don't know How I'm still standing. I'm weak and haven't fed for days. My stomach was rumbling violently and I knew I had to feed soon. All I could think about was blood but there wasn't any animals around. I could hear humans speak, it was weird saying humans... since I was once one. I stopped running and put my hand on the tree letting my hair hang in my face. I hope no one was too close to me.

"Apparently, people die in these forests" I heard someone whisper and my head shot up to see 2 girls walking side by side looking around. What the hell was they doing in the forest? I hid behind the small tree but knew they could tell I was here.

"Who's there?" I heard a girl call out and I gulped. I could smell there blood and it was drawing me in, It smelt so sweet. 'NO Kaylee' I kept telling myself, I wouldn't be a murderer. A bunny I could handle killing but people, no way in hell.

"Who the hell's there?" I heard the other girl call out and I knew they was moving around, checking behind the tree's. They was close now and I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself for much longer. I felt a tear fill my eye and I closed it letting the tear slip down my face.

"Maybe we should leave?" One of the girls whispered to the other one, They was so close I had to put my hand over my mouth and nose, my eyes flicked open and I saw the girl walk around the tree where I was and look at me, she gasped at my face and examined it.

"Your eyes are red" She whispered frowning slightly, I looked away and the other girl appeared the other side of me, It was Kirsty... from school.

"Kaylee? You look rough!" She laughed, as much as I hated her I didn't want to kill her or her friend. I swallowed hard and frowned.

"Leave" I choked out trying not to be distracted by the smell, one false move and they're both dead. I saw Kirsty roll her eyes and look at the other girl.

"Come on, Once a loner always a loner" She chuckled and walked off, her friend joined in with the laughter and followed her like a lost puppy. I watched them slowly walk off and it was like they wanted me to kill them. I couldn't take it any longer, I had to feed. I went to run after them but felt arms on mine pulling me back. My eyes were glued to the two girls and I tried struggling out of the  persons grip. They was to strong and I stopped, obviously a vampire. I turned around and saw Mikey there watching the girls.

"Get off me" I growled, the smell of their blood was driving me insane. I needed to feed and now. He shook his head and held me tight.

"Control yourself!" He growled back but I couldn't, he looked at me which meant the girls walked off. I could catch up with them easily though. "Kaylee do you honestly want to be a killer?" He asked tilting his head slightly.

"No" I whispered but I needed blood, I could smell it close by... But why? If the girls were gone then surely it wouldn't be that strong.

"Don't move then" He whispered letting go but keeping close to me, I was free to run but I knew that I was weaker than Mikey. He could easily catch up with me. He swung his bag around grabbing a bottle and dropping the bag to the floor. "Here" He said handing me the bottle. I looked at him confused but opened the bottle. The smell hit me and I soon brought it to my mouth drinking the blood that was contained inside it. This is what I was craving, it tasted delicious. I soon finished it and looked at Mikey who frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry you had to see me like this" I whispered licking my lips and he nodded.

"Now you know how I felt when I was starved, I'm not like that Mikey who bit you... Who killed your" He gulped and shook his head, I saw a tear fall down his face and I nodded.

"I forgive you Mikey" I told him "You know I do" I whispered pulling him into a hug, he hugged me back and I smiled. "Thank you for stopping me from doing something I would've regretted" I whispered in his ear and he pulled away smiling. "Can we go home" I asked looking around, It was quite late and I was lost.

"Sure" He smiled picking his bag up and chucking it on his back, I took his hand and we both ran together back to the hatch. When we arrived I saw a girl sitting on the floor, she had long blond hair and looked about 5-6 years old. She turned around when I stood on a dry leaf and stared at me and Mikey.

"C...Could you help me please?" She begged, her face and eyes were red. She was and had been crying.

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