It's torturing me

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~~~A/N: I'm so sorry I haven't uploaded this in months...But I decided what I wanted to do with it, decided that I NEEDED to finish it with this chapter. So here you go, the last chapter of The Sharpest Lives 2! Do not kill me :D~~~

"Drink" Mikey ordered handing be a glass of blood. I dropped it on the floor and shook my head. I knew I wasn't aloud to commit suicide because of my master but that doesn't mean I don't have to be stubborn. "Kaylee" He sighed and I looked away. Frank was standing in the corner watching me, I knew he felt bad but I wasn't going to forgive him. They said they would change for me but I don't care, I can't live this life where I don't age, don't move on in life.

"Kaylee, don't make me compel you" Frank whispered and I quickly threw a lamp at him, it hit his chest and he growled quietly. "I know you're angry..."

"ANGRY!? I'M FUCKING FUMING" I screamed jumping up. "You say you do this for love, you say you love me but this isn't love. It's ruining my life...Well, ruined my life. I'm dead now, my family...My friends" I sighed rubbing my forehead, well I kinda didn't have friends and I didn't have a lot of family but I think they got my point. "Keeping me here, keeping me like this isn't loving me. It's torturing me. I'll never love any of you" I spat out

"Calm down" Gerard walked out staring at me, they was all staring at me.

"Why? Why the hell should I? I'm dead, no heart beat...No warmth. I kill people to survive. Why should I be calm? Oh that's right! I get to live forever with you guys! Oh that thought makes my fucking day!" I screamed and felt like I was on some sort of vampire period.

"I understand you're angry but we can't let you commit suicide. It'll hurt too much!" Frank sighed and looked at me sadly.

"How selfish" I whispered, "You took my normal life away from me, now you won't let me be free" I frowned and teared up. I was surprised vampires emotions were this strong actually. It made them quite stupid at times.

"Is this what you really want?" Mikey whispered and their eyes fixed on him. "Suicide, is it really what you want. Think about it Kaylee"

"Yes" I croaked out. "I don't want to kill. I want to be dead dead" I sounded stupid saying that, but technically I was already dead so if I was dead dead, I wouldn't be roaming the earth.

"Frank" Mikey whispered tearing up, he looked down to hide his face and sighed. "Lift the compulsion" He barely whispered and Frank was shocked by his words. "Let her do what she wants, we didn't give her the choice. Let her live her life for once! Make her own decisions"

Frank was startled. He had tears trickling down his face as he began walking up to me slowly. He took a deep shaky breath in and looked into my eyes.

"I-I want you to know t-that I always loved you. No m-matter how stupid and e-evil I was" He could barely speak through his tears, A tear fell down my cheek and I started wiping his away with my thumb gently. "I l-love you" He closed his eyes tight as the pain just built up inside him. He opened his eyes slowly, they were filled with tears, "You're free from my compulsion" He choked out and I pecked his lips.

"Thank you" I whispered looking around for one last time, then I left. I couldn't help but cry because I felt so bad. I shouldn't have gone with Mikey, none of this should have happened. It was all my fault, I caused them all this pain and now I'm causing even more pain.

"Kaylee!" I heard a voice and sighed, I turned to see Frank right in front of me holding a stake. "If this is what you want...I'll do it. I turned you into a vampire, it's only right that I finish what I started" He whispered stroking my cheek. I nodded slowly and looked at the stake as he placed the tip of it on my chest, just above my heart.

"I love you" I whispered as he raised it, I closed my eyes tight and felt a sharp pain in my chest. The air flew out of my lungs, arms wrapped around me as I began to feel colder, weaker and lighter. The pain multiplied as I screamed out, but then my voice went. My body went numb and I drifted into the pits of hell.

Frank's Pov

Why did I do this to her? Why did I ruin her life like this!? I knew it would be hard for me to kill her, but now all that remains is ash. Black ash covering my arms as my tears drop onto it. The wind was blowing most of it away making what was left of my heart break. Love is such a terrible thing, I heard all the stories, saw most of the films...I lived it. I witnessed the good and bad parts, mostly bad... Oh Kaylee, please forgive me.

"So long my angel" I opened my arms letting the last of the ash fade away into the wind. I rubbed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had to be strong, but I hurt so much...

Giggles. I heard strong, sweet giggles coming from the right hand of the Forrest. My head turned slowly to see a girl sitting in a tree. She wasn't looking at me, she was looking at the view. The sun hit her face making her skin glow, her eyes sparkled and I smiled. She was beautiful. She turned her head and smiled at me. Maybe this was Kaylee in a different form? She seemed to ease my pain just by looking at me.

"She's pretty" I heard a voice behind me, then Gerard and Mikey stood either side of me. Looking and taking in her beauty.

"Very pretty" Mikey smiled at her, and I sighed. It was always like this, a cycle. Meet a girl, all have a go and death at the end. Then the cycle starts again and again, we're like demons on the earth. The thing is...Who gets this girl the first time?

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