Why would he do that?

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I slowly walked up to an upset Frank and sat next to him. He titled his head so he faced me and his eyes wouldn't leave me, I looked at the floor.

"Is it because I slept with Gerard?" I asked quietly and heard him scoff. I didn't really want to bring this up but I wanted to know why he changed the girl.

"I didn't change the girl" He spat out angrily. I looked at him softening my expression and he shook his head at me. "Why did you sleep with Gerard?" He asked more gentler

"I thought I loved him" I said quietly and I leaned back, Frank leaned back and sat closer to me. "I don't Frank, I loved you"

"Loved?" He raised an eyebrow

"You're the same old Frank" I shrugged and went to sit up but he sat over me making it so I couldn't move.

"You don't believe me" He whispered sadly and I rolled my eyes at him. "Kaylee, you have to trust me... I'm you're master, the one you loved and do love now" He ordered and I fount it hard to trust him but I did.

"Why did she blame you?" I asked and he sat next to me again sighing, there could be a reasonable excuse right?

"I'm really not sure, maybe someone hates me and pinned it on me?" He shrugged looking at the floor. I took a deep breath and sat up with him.

"I need to see her, me and Gerard's looking after her whilst she gets sorted" I told him about to stand up but he grabbed my arm.

"You and Gerard?" He raised an eyebrow. "Don't go near him alone" Frank ordered and I nodded. The clever thing is, the girl would be there so technically we won't be alone.

"Okay Frank" I nodded but he never let go of my arm.

"I want you to keep with me when I'm at home at all times, If I'm not here then you stay with Mikey okay?" He ordered and my jaw literally hit the floor. He didn't trust me...

"Frank!?" I shouted and he smiled slightly "I need my own time" I told him but he shook his head. Why the hell would Frank do this? He knows I love him.

"I'm sorry, but I need to know I can trust you again"

"We wasn't even together when I slept with Gerard!" I shouted "I'm still not with you now!" I choked out and he dropped his smile.

"I want you..." He sighed and dropped his head "To be my girlfriend" He whispered, was that an order? He slowly looked up at me but stood up quickly. "I know Iv'e been a jerk to you, but I really do love you Kaylee. It will be hard to trust you again but I can work with it" He chuckled pulling me up so I was standing. "Be my girlfriend" He whispered inches away from my face. He wrapped his arms around my waist an waited for an answer.

"Um, is this really the right time to talk about this?" I asked and he nodded smiling. "Yes then" I whispered and he quickly kissed me. Knowing Frank I probably would've said no and he would order me to say yes.  He pulled away from the kiss and smiled the hugest grin ever.

"We can work this out Kaylee" He whispered holding my arms gently. "I know I'm annoying but its for the best" He chuckled looking into my eyes.

"You're right, you are annoying" I smirked. I had to stay with Frank when he was in the house, I do love him and I love seeing him but I had a feeling that I would get annoyed pretty easily.

"One more thing..." He added dropping his smile "Gerard's up to something, So don't trust him" He ordered and I wanted to slap him. I had to trust Frank when he didn't trust me and not trust Gerard when I had to look after the girl with him!

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