Well I Don't Love You

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Frank stood there smiling at me and I stood up slowly looking at the body.

"We have to bury her" I said and he sighed nodding, I ran over lifting her arms and he lifted her legs up. He walked over to the ditch and threw her body into it, not nice but still. "Won't people see her body?" I asked Frank and he ran into the ditch digging a hole with a stick which really did fail as the stick kept breaking. I laughed a little but looked at the body and felt sick. He put the body in the hole and covered it quickly. He ran back up and stood next to me.

"Done" He smiled pleased with himself.

"I need to go for a walk" I whispered still feeling sick from the body. He nodded and I started walking, him following me. I thought he would stop but he didn't.

"You okay?" He asked and I sighed.

"I want to be alone, can I walk alone?" I asked still walking

"Okay" He whispered and stopped. I walked a little faster and into the woods, I liked being alone... Gave me time to think. I didn't need to kill people like that did I? Her face, It would haunt me for the rest of my life. She hurt Gerard but still, death wasn't needed. I stopped at a tree and heard a branch snap behind me, I turned around and Frank stood there looking innocent. He was still following me? Why couldn't he just leave me alone!?

"Frank Leave me alone" I snapped and walked on. He ran in front of me and smiled at me innocently. "Go away" I whispered.

"Don't walk away from me" He smiled looking into my eyes. Great, he's ordering me now. I stopped walking and looked back at him.

"Frank seriously, just let me be alone!" I shouted and he sighed.

"I can't, I love you" He whispered stroking my cheek and I slapped his hand away.

"Well I don't love you" Ouch, like a dagger to his heart.

"Why don't you love me!? You love everyone else but me... It's like you hate me and I try everything but no!" He shouted and I sighed

"Maybe if you didn't order me around!" I shouted and he smirked, what did I just say...

"Ordering you around huh?" His smirk grew even bigger and I regretted telling him that "Say you... Like hugging me" He said walking around me.

"I like hugging you" I spat out

"Say you... Love my cheekiness" I heard him chuckle and I laughed a little.

"I love your cheekyness" I smirked and he stood in front of me and I laughed.

"I love your cheekiness" He smiled and made a thinking face.

"Tell me you love kissing me" I shook my head and looked at the floor.

"I love you kissing me" I choked out, he moved closer to me and thought of another stupid thing I could say.

"Tell me you love me" He whispered with a serious face. My smile dropped and I looked at him shaking my head.

"I love you" I whispered and I felt his lips hit mine, This time... I didn't want to pull away? His lips were so soft and I loved it. I put my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. I felt something in my stomach, the same feeling I felt whilst kissing Gerard, butterflies?? I couldn't love two people at once surely?

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