We won't let him

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Gerard stood up and ran next to me protecting her and me.

"Why did you change her?" Gerard questioned him and he shook his head laughing as If this was all some sort of a joke. This wasn't like Frank, maybe he didn't feed? I swear he did though... I knew he did. "Answer me!" Gerard shouted making me jump a little.

"I didn't change her, I swear" Frank said almost as If he was telling the truth.

"If you didn't then why is she saying that, who else could've done it?" I could tell Gerard was angry and I like him defending me and the girl.

"I don't know why" He shook his head and turned to me "You believe me don't you?" He asked pleading for me to say yes but I didn't believe him,

"You went to far this time" I whispered turning around to the girl and picking her up, I held her in my arms and she hugged me burying her face in my shoulder. "I'll go put her to bed" I whispered walking off to the corridor. I didn't actually have a room, at the moment I was sleeping In Frank's room because I was with him. I couldn't let her sleep in Frank's room because he would go in and scare her half to death... Even though she is dead.

"She can sleep in my room" I heard a voice from behind me and I turned around to see Gerard standing there half smiling. I nodded and walked into his room placing her on the bed genltly. She crawled under the covers and smiled as I sat one side of the bed and Gerard sat the other. He watched me smile at her and hold her hand.

"Thank you" She whispered looking at me and Gerard and we both smiled "Please don't let the man get to me" She whispered even quieter and my smile dropped.

"We won't let him" Gerard told her and I looked up to see him smiling at me slightly. I looked back at her and she was limp with her eyes closed. I slowly took my hand away from hers and stood up heading for the door. As I got out the door closed and Gerard grabbed my arm.

"What?" I asked turning to see him

"Where are her parents?" He asked and I sighed slightly "Oh" He nodded knowing what I was going to say next.

"What are we going to do?" I whispered worried, I couldn't think of Frank going near her and hurting her or worse.

"We'll look after her... Act like her parents" He shrugged. I never thought of being a parent and really this is the only way I can be a parent. I nodded but thought of Frank, I seriously couldn't get him off my mind no matter how bad ass he was. I felt uncomfortable with Gerard since we did have sex and he knows I love Frank.

"What about Frank?" I had to ask and he shrugged

"We protect her from him, whatever goes on between you and him is between... You and him" He laughed and I nodded smiling, he pulled me in for a hug and I hugged him. This is why I loved Gerard, he was so understanding and cute. I loved Frank because he made me feel good... But so did Gerard? No, I chose Frank because I loved him more.

"Thanks for doing this" I chuckled pulling away from the hug and he shrugged again.

"I'm just... Cool like that" He smirked and I smiled at him walking into the living room where Mikey sat speaking to Frank. Mikey walked up to me leading me into the kitchen.

"What's wrong Mikey?" I asked as he had a worried expression on his face.

"I don't think Frank did change that girl"

"What makes you think that?" I asked

"I can easily tell when Frank's lying... He smiles weirdly when he lies" Mikey shrugged and I nodded smiling a little.

"We'll find out" I shrugged and Mikey nodded walking off. Frank sat in the living room on the sofa with his head in his hands shaking it slightly. Now I need to sort things out with Frank.

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