Saving Frank

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I swallowed hard as Gerard laughed, he turned to look at Frank who was shaking his head. I wanted to protect Frank but I couldn't.

"You hated me for turning you into this thing... I can take it away from you" He said slowly walking towards him.

"No" I screamed and he looked at me "You win, I'll go with you okay? Just don't kill him, there's no need to!" I shouted and Gerard sighed.

"It's the only way for you to forget him" Gerard said turning back to Frank and walking towards him. I stood up and pulled Mikey up.

"What are you doing?" He whispered and I put his arm around my neck.

"Saving Frank" I whispered back running to Gerard. Frank was literally against the wall trying to get away from me.

"You'll hurt him" Mikey whispered and Gerard threw Mikey to the other side of the room so I had to be with Frank. Gerard grabbed Frank and pinned him against the wall. He tried getting away from me but he couldn't. I stood next to him holding his hand and he screamed.

"RUN" Frank screamed as If he was In agony.

"What are you doing to him!?" I asked looking at Gerard who was smiling.

"I'm not doing anything, you're making him break the compulsion" Gerard told me and I let go off Frank slowly walking away but I still had to be near him.

"Gerard, this isn't you and you know it. Look, we can go now... See Crystal" I said and he watched me. "Please" I begged and he let go off Frank who ran out of the room. I started running after him but instead of following him I went to Mikey who was on the floor.

"Fine" He whispered kneeling next to me putting his arm around me, I felt sick at his touch and most of all... Terrified. "Mikey, follow me" Gerard ordered and Mikey slowly stood up weakly and when Gerard disappeared, I ran with Mikey to Gerard's room. Mikey fell on the sofa in there weak and Gerard stood watching me. I looked at the girl who was sleeping peacefully.

"Her names Crystal then?" I asked and he nodded. I sat on the sofa and Gerard sat next to me soon after.

"I'm sorry it had to be this way" He whispered staring at the floor. "Its funny what love can do" He said reaching his hand out to touch mine and I shook my head.

"You've changed" I spat out and he sighed.

"It just annoyed me how Frank kept controlling you to do things you didn't want to do, He literally made you fall in love with him but me? I didn't force you to do anything... You loved me out of free will Kaylee" He said sadly and I blinked weakly.

"I always loved Frank... I thought it was just friendship or a master bond thing but I fount out that It was more... It was love Gerard. I'm sorry" I whispered.

"I thought you couldn't force love, proved me wrong" He chuckled "Maybe I can make you love me again" He whispered lifting my chin up so I looked at him.

"Gerard No" I whispered as he leaned in closer and closer until our lips touched and I felt a tear slide down my face.

"Mummy?" Crystal spoke out making Gerard pull back, he looked angry. "Oh, Sorry" She whispered looking upset.

"What's wrong Crystal?" I asked

"I had a nightmare" She whispered and sat down next to me and Gerard, I hugged her and Gerard hugged her probably just to get close to me. "Make them go away" She whispered and I could tell she was crying by her tone.

"We'll try" Gerard said focusing on me and I looked away from his gaze. Gerard was trying to make me love him when I already made my mind up, I was scared of everyone but Mikey. Why did life have to fuck up when it only started getting good?

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