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Who do you guys think should play Annabelle??? And don't say Lucy Hale.
Because I see too much of that.

Today members of the Order of the Phoenix are arriving which includes the Weasley's.

"Anna, please stop bouncing your leg your making me nervous. I stopped.

"Sorry." I mumble before returning to my book.

That's when I heard the front door open. I recognized a few people like Kingsley and Professor Moody (the real one this time) and to my surprise Professor Snape. I stood up and rushed to the door to see if they were here to bump into a young woman with pink hair.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" She said her hair turning a lighter shade of pink.

Now way she's a metamorphosis!

"No I'm sorry." I said sheepishly. She smiled and stuck her hand out.

"I'm Tonks." She said. I took her hand and shook it.

"Annabelle." I told her. "But call me Anna."

She smiled at me before her eyes traveled behind me. I turned around and saw Uncle Remus. I stepped to the side as one of my favorite families popped in.

"Anna!" Ginny yelled running over and hugged me tightly. I lightly chuckled and hugged her back.

"Annabelle!" I hear Mrs. Weasley said loudly.

Uh oh.i sheepishly smiled at her and Mr. Weasley.

"Look I'm so sorry I-" I was cut off when she pulled me into a hug.

"Never mind that now dear." She said. After she pulled away Mr. Weasley gave me a pat on the shoulder as they walked to the kitchen/dining room.

"Blimey Anna you look different." Ron stated as stares at me. I roll my eyes.

"Well I did get a hair cut." I said picking up a strand of my hand which was a little bit past my shoulders.

"Well uh-" he was cut off as to people popped in front of her.

I jumped up in surprise as they laughed.

"You two always do that to me!" I yell as they laugh. Fred linked my arm with his as George dos with the other.

"Your in big-

-Trouble missy." They said together as they picked me up and carried me off.

"And I like the hair by the way." George commented making me blush. He smirked. I started swinging my legs in the air.

"Let me go!" I said. They laughed.

"Never." They said.


Annabelle Black  [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now