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I sat at the desk writing things on a piece of parchment. Everyone in DA except for Cho had detention tonight.

After it was all over we all got up and left the Great Hall passing Cho who looked guilty. Everyone gave her a dirty look. I didn't even bother to glare at her. I walked behind everyone else to the Common Room.

"Hey." A voice said from behind me. I turned and saw Harry.

"Hey." I said quietly as the stairs shifted .

"Are you okay?"

"I should be asking you that question. Or everyone in the DA really." We continued up the stairs.

"I suppose your right." He said. I shrugged.

"But are you though? Okay I mean?" Harry asked.

"Harry I'm fine. Okay?" He nodded as we stood in front of the Fat Lady portrait.

"Anna?" He asked quietly. I look at him.


"Do you have feeling for George?" I slightly tensed and I felt my face heat up.

"U-um why?" I asked him. He gave me a slight look. I sigh. "Yes I do have feelings for him but you can't tell anyone!" I quickly told him.

"I won't." He said. I sighed in relief. "What are your feelings towards me?" I froze.

"What do you mean?" I asked him feigning confusion.

"You know exactly what I mean." He said now standing in front of me.

"Harry." I whispered. He slowly leaned in until his lips were on mine.

I didn't know how to react. I mean I know he and I kissed before but....

I kissed him back. I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. I heard the portrait beside us open.

"What the hell!" I pulled away from Harry and saw George standing there. A mixture of hurt and anger was evident on his face.

Fre was beside him looking surprised.

"I-I it's not what it looks like." I stuttered. He looked from to Harry and he looked more mad then before.

George stomped forward and the next thing I knew George punched Harry in the face. Harry stumbled back before running forward and pushing George.

"Guys stop!" I yelled as they flew fist at each other. I fumbled for my wand. When I looked up Harry was on the ground with George punching him and Fred trying to pull him off. I look from my wand to the fighting and pocketed. Fred lifted George off of Harry.

Harry's face was bloodied up and a black  eye was forming, George had a busted up lips and both of their faces were flushed. I rushed over and helped Harry up. Once he was up him and George lunged for each other. I wasn't strong enough to hold Harry back and Fred lost his grip on George.

I growled.

"Oh for the love of merlin." I exclaimed. I stood beside them as they fought. I grabbed bot of them by the ear and yanked it back causing them to fight.

"Enough already." I yelled at them. I pushed them away from each other and this time they didn't go after one another. They still glared at each other. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked them. I turned to George.

"Why the hell did you do that to him?" I exclaimed to George. He looked down slightly ashamed.

"Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley." A voice said. We all looked over and saw Snape standing there.

"Detention for fighting on school grounds and being out this late. Mr. Black might I suggest you escort them both to Madame Pomfrey." I nodded.

"Yes sir." I said as I left with them trailing behind.

I didn't speak to neither of them. Right now I was furious.



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