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I stop in front of the toads office door.

"Looks like I'm on time." I spun around and saw George standing there. I look at him in confusion.

"What are you doing here? And where've you been I haven't seen you since last night."

"Sorry about that last night. And I've got detention with Umbridge also so looks like we have it together so you're not alone." He said with a weak smirk.

"Wait." I said. "Did you purposely get detention from her so your with me doing it?" A light blush came on his face. My eyes widened before I hit his chest but not hard enough to hurt him.

"Why would you do that!" I asked him as the door opened.

"Hello children." She said as I walked in.

We sat in the desks which were on either side of her desk. I dropped my bag down and sat in the seat.

"Okay children what you are going to write is 'I will only speak when spoken to." She said. "And Ms. Black you will be writing down something extra for me, for your behavior yesterday."

"You can't do that!" George exclaimed.

"George it's okay." I told him throwing him a warning look. I noticed the grip on his quill tightened. "What do you want me to write?" I asked her just above a whisper. She smiled.

"I want you to write 'I will not prank other students." I just nodded. I picked up the quill sparing George another glance I began to write.

Not long after I heard George hissing in pain. I tried to ignore him as I continued to write. Blood trailed down my arm and back of my hand. I heard a scraping of a chair. I looked up as George walked over to me.

"We're done." He stated.

"Very well." She said with the same sickly sweet smile. George bent down grabbing my hand and pulled me up before dragging me out.

Once we turned the corner George pulled me to his chest.

"I refuse to let you go back there." He whispered. I gently pulled away. He took his wand out.

"It doesn't hurt." I told him.

"I knew you for 5 years Anna, do you expect me to believe you?" He asked. "Vulnera Sanentur." He muttered, his wand pointing to my arm. Slowly the blood absorbed back into the cut before slowly closing up. He did it again to my hand.

"Thanks." I muttered.

I watched him cast the spell on himself.

"I hate her." He said. I heavily sigh as we head back to the common room.

"I do too."


Annabelle Black  [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now