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I hid upstairs from Fred and George after my successful mistake.

I've never been up here before.  Well I have but not this room. The dresser in the corner shook causing me to jump.

I slowly walked over to it.

Maybe Kreacher got himself stuck inside. The thought made me laugh. I turn the knob and took a step back.

Third Person POV

Everyone was downstairs until they heard a scream.

"It's Anna!" George exclaimed before he apparated along with Fred as everyone ran upstairs finding Anna in a room with dead bodies surrounding her.

"Riddikulus!" Remus yelled with his wand out as the boggart went back into the dresser.

"Anna?" George said crouching down to her level on the floor.

"You were all dead." She whispered as Remus and Sirius stood there worried for her.

"It was just a boggart." Remus stated.

Anna shakily stood up and smiled. Everyone knew it was fake.

"I'm fine. It just startled me that's all." She said before leaving the room.

For the rest of the day no one mentioned the boggart incident which Anna was grateful for.

She just hung out with Fred and George and helped them with their new pranks for this year and talking about opening a jokes shop.

"Okay it's done." Anna stated setting it down.

"What's it called again?" Fred asked making her sigh.

"It's a canary cream. Whoever eats it turns into a small yellow canary." George grinned.

"Wicked." He whispered.

"How do you know it works?" Fred asked. Anna dramatically gasps.

"Are you doubting my skills? And besides we need to test it out to see if it works." She stated. "So....who shall fall victim to my invention?" The twins smirked.

"We saw Snape downstairs." Anna's eyes widened before she started laughing.

"Oh Merlin, I can imagine it! I have two but this one here is just a regular creamy treat while the other is a canary cream." She said standing up. "You two stay behind he'll get suspicious if you two are with me." Anna said leaving the room the boys are staying in. She could hear them whining about it as she was going down the stairs making her chuckle.

"Filthy blood traitors." She heard Kreacher mumble while he was working. She rolled her eyes, passing him.

She found Snape alone in the dining room.

'The meeting must be over.' She thought to herself.

"Hello." Anna says cheerily earning a glare from Snape who grew suspicious. She tosses him the cream which he easily caught.

"What...is this?" He asks in disgust. Anna rolled her eyes.

Anna's POV

"A creamy treat...well that's what I call them. I like to cook and it's my first time making them." I lied. I held mine up so it was in view. "Can you try it to see if it's any good?" I asked him trying my best to hold back a laugh.

"What did you do to it?" He asked.

Man he's good.

"Nothing." I said innocently. He glared at me but looked at the canary cream and took a bite. I choked back a laugh and he glared at me. He ended up finishing it as my uncle and dad along with the twins came in.

Nothing happened.

The twins looked at him expectantly.

Dad looked at the twins and I curiously as Uncle Remus gave me a look.

I mentally sighs. He knows I'm up to something.

Snape started coughing and yellow feathers flew out of his mouth. Snape's eyes widened in surprise as did everyone else's in the room as he coughed more and before you know it there is a small angry yellow canary flapping in the air.

I couldn't hold it in anymore I bursted out laughing as did the twins.

"You did it! You actually did it!" George said in between laughs.


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