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"Department of Mysteries. They got that bit right, didn't they?" Ron commented. I looked up at an archway. I heard whispers and curiously I stepped forward.

"The voices. Can you tell what they're saying?" Harry asked.

"They're aren't any voices, Harry." Hermione stated.

"Yes there are." I whispered as I was walking along side Harry closer to the archway.

"Let's get out of here." She said.

"I hear them too." Luna said.

"Harry, Anna, it's just an empty archway."

"No it's not." I whispered.

"Get behind me." Harry demanded. Black smoked came flying towards us and one swept over us. And more surrounded us. I swung my wand around me. I felt myself getting pushed back, smacking my head on the ground.

Soon the smoke cleared. I struggled but managed to stand alongside Harry. I looked around and the death eaters had our friends. I heard chuckling. Lucius walked forward with his cane.

"Did you actually believe or were you truly naïve enough that children stood a chance against us?" He walked around us. "I'll make this simple for you, Potter. Give me the prophecy now or watch your friends die." I snatched the prophecy from Harry's hand. Lucius looked at me and sneered.

"You again." He said to me. "Your lucky I can't kill you but." He quickly snatched me by the throat. I jabbed my wand into his throat.

"I'll do it you know." I choked out as I felt that feeling of power surge through me again. Lucius snatched the prophecy from me.

A sudden burst of light drew Lucius' attention away from me, releasing me. I gasped for air as I felt Harry pull me back. My eyes felt like they were going to pop out of their sockets when I saw dad.

"Get away from my daughter." He said before punching Lucius in the face. Dad pulled Harry and I over as I saw members of the Order appear.

One of them threw spells our way which dad blocked. Dad grabbed me and pulled me off the rock and to where we had some cover.

"Now, listen to me. Take the other and get out of here."

"What? No dad, I'm staying with you." I said slightly panicking.

"You've done beautifully. Now, let me take it from here." He told me.

"Black." I hear Lucius. He pulled his wand out as another Death Eater apparated besides Lucius. They threw a few spells which dad blocked.

Dad and I fought back.

"Expelliarmus" I said.

"Nice one, Silver." I looked at dad for a moment.

"Reducto." I sent the man flying into the far wall.

From the corner of my eye I saw Bellatrix eyeing down my dad with hatred. I fled back.

"Avada Keda-" Bellatrix began to say but was cut off by her scream.

I sunk my canines deeper into her shoulder.

"You filthy mutt." She yelled. I released her and saw her severely bleeding shoulder. I tasted the blood in my mouth.

I growled as I was on all fours preparing to lunge at her.

"Crucio" She yelled. I cringed back as I whimpered. The pain was excruciating. I shifted back to my human form.

"Avada Kedavra."

"No." I screamed as I saw the green light hit dad. I slowly stood and watched as his body faded into the archway.

I stood there frozen to the spot. Harry was struggling in Moody's grip. Arms wrapped around me. I didn't know who it was and quite frankly....I didn't care.

"She's dead." I muttered before pushing my way out of the person's arms and ran after Bellatrix.


I saw her.

"I killed Sirius Black. Ha-ha-ha." I heard footsteps behind me. "You coming to get?"

"Crucio." I yelled. She fell down and withered in pain.

"Just like your mother...very powerful."

That voice whispered.

"With your power you can do anything. Your mother didn't give in like you have though."

"Get out of my head." I growled as I took the spell off of Lestrange. She gasped for air and smirked at me.

"You have no control now....it worked...I set you out of your cage and showed you just the beginning of it all."

I felt him behind me...Voldemort. I spun around and saw him a few feet away.

I quickly raised my wand but he disarmed me. I felt my breath labor. I clenched my fist.

"What did you mean?" I growled. "Beginning of what" He grinned.

"The first step to your potential power was to get you perform one of the unforgivable's. Annabelle you have no idea what power you posses. But I can show you." He said holding his hand out.

I glared at him.

"No." I snapped. My wand suddenly flew at me and I caught it. I looked at it surprised.

"It was foolish of you to come here tonight, Tom. The Aurors are on their way." A voice interrupted.

"Professor Dumbledore." I exclaimed.

"By which time I shall be gone, and you shall be dead. I ran and hit in the fireplace as Dumbledore and Voldemort fought. I blocked my head as the tile broke above me.

Fire erupted turning into a snake. Dumbledore quickly reacted and managed to get rid of it before putting Voldemort in a ball of water. I stood up. As the water went away. Voldemort screamed and any glass that was near by shattered. He raised his arms gripping his wand as the glass came thwarting our way. Dumbledore put up a shield of some sort so when the glass would hit it, it turned into dust.

But then he disappeared.

"Anna." I heard Harry yell as he ran out. He stopped mid-run as he gasped and dropped to the ground. He grunts.

"You've lost, old man." A distorted voice came from Harry. He screams. I drop to my knees next to Harry.

"Harry block him out." I told him. His eyes were a different color.

I don't know how or why but I grabbed Harry's head my hands on both side of his face. He screamed. I felt pain course through my head as I saw what he did. And then it all stopped. I opened my eyes as the dust surrounded us.

"How did you..."Harry trailed off looking at me.

"I don't know. I saw a wave of black. I looked up at Voldemort.

"You will lose everything. Both of you."


One chapter left.

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