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I was excited. Why, you ask? Well it is because Hermione is coming tomorrow by noon.

It's August now, I have a month left until my friends and I go back to Hogwarts. As happy as I am about it, it's not the same. With Voltermort up and about and Cedric gone it's different.

My nightmares are getting more frequent and its scaring me.

I haven't told anyone about them, well except Harry. He's having nightmares too. I kind of feel bad that I have to keep him in the dark about everything Voltemort but Dumbledore told me not to. And yes he is a part of the Order.

I stood up from my bed and got changed into leggings and my Weasley sweater I got from 3rd year. Surprisingly it still fits even after I've grown some.

I walked down the stairs to hear arguing. I saw Ron and Hermione arguing. I rolled my eyes.

"Will you two just confess your feeling already!" I say walking past them.

Well that made them quiet. I plop down in a seat beside Ginny taking a piece of toast Mrs.Weasley has made.

"She just got here and they're already arguing." Ginny commented. I nodded in agreement.

"Those two love birds just have to confess already." I hear Fred say walking in the room followed by George.

"Agreed." I mumbled munching on my toast.

Mrs. Weasley came into the room and asked us to go upstairs because another meeting for the Order of the Phoniex was going to begin. We all went up to the boys room to hang out. That's when Hermione and I had a little catching up to do even if it wasn't really necessary seeing as we owled each other daily.

I know this chapter sucked and was short. This was more of a filler chapter then anything. But next chapter will pretty much start up on following the movieish.


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