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Eventually it wore off and Snape was well Snape again and he was very angry at me and the twins. And as he was yelling at me I was still laughing which made Fred and George still laugh.

Mrs. Weasley found out what we've done and scolded Fred and George.

Uncle Remus just shook his head but you can tell he was holding back a smile and dad was laughing hysterically about it.

"Just like your mother." Dad commented making me smile.

"I'll give you three weeks of detention." Snape hissed.

"I regret nothing!" I yelled running down the hall.

"Dinner will be done in an hour!" Mrs. Weasley yelled after us.

I laid there staring at the ceiling on George's bed as he and Fred were working on their other pranks.

"I will be back." Fred said leaving the room. I noticed George walking over and laying down next to me.

"Whatcha staring at?" I shrug.

"I dunno." I replied nonchalantly. We stayed quiet for a minute or two so far. I felt his hand light brush against mine. I turn my head sideways to look at George who was already looking my way.

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him quietly.

"Because your beautiful." He responded using the same soft tone as I. I felt myself lightly blush. And before I knew it his lips were on mine. I felt myself slowly kissing back. He cupped the one side of my face with his hand. After a few seconds we pulled away.

"I've been wanting to do that again since the Yule Ball." He admitted. I lightly smiled at him which he returned.

"Anna." He whispered.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Okay where wer- Oh Merlin!" Fred exclaimed. "I leave for two minutes and you two are already snogging." He said dramatically. George and I moved away from each other both of our faces red.

"Were not!" We exclaimed.

"I'm going to get you for that Fred!" George said as he started to chase his brother, the both of them laughing.

"Dinner!" I hear Mrs. Weasley announced.

It was kind of awkward between George and I at dinner. I was sitting between Ginny and Tonks who was asked to stay for dinner. George sat across from me. We kept on throwing glances at each other. Fred was smirking at the two of us.

I talked with Tonks some through out dinner. She's a really nice and funny person. I can tell she has a small crush on my uncle and I believe he returns those feeling for her. I think it's cute. Uncle Remmy deserves to be happy with someone.


Annabelle Black  [Book 3]Where stories live. Discover now