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I want to do a Q&A so if you have a question about anything just drop it in the comments or message me.


I stared absentmindedly at my book in front of me. I was currently in detention with Snape. And he's making me read surprisingly.

"Leave." A voice in my head whispered. I grab my head as it began to pound.

"Black." Professor Snape says. I look up at him as he narrowed his eyes at me.


"What is it?"

"What is what?" I asked him. He sneered at me.

"Are you having nightmares of him." He said emphasizing the him part.

"I do not know what you're talking about." I said nonchalantly. He glared at me.

"Just like your mother. Not wanting people to fret over her. Let me guess he has been talking to you, giving you glimpses of images and talking to you." I look at him surprised as I felt my face pale.

I look down at my hands.

"How long?" He asked. I stayed silent. "How long?" He reiterated.

"Since Cedric died..." I trailed off. "That's when it all started." I told him. He slammed his fists against his desk making me jump. I look up at him.

"Has he made you do things?" He questioned me.

"Depends on what you mean." He sighed.

"Have you ever felt not like yourself? Something different happened inside you that you couldn't control?" I gulped.


"When?" He asked immediately.

"Earlier today." I whispered. "I was in DADA with that toa- Professor Umbridge and when she called me Malfoy I don't know I just felt this rage in me and I...snapped. Now everyone knows of my true parentage because of it." I told him quietly feeling more guilty and ashamed. "I felt this power in me I've never felt before and....I like the feeling. That's what I hate most." I said. He was silent before standing up and walking to the door.

"Follow me." He said. I grabbed my bag and followed him down the hall of the chambers.


I stood in Dumbledore's office as he stared at me. Snape told him everything that happened with me.

"Why haven't you told anyone?" He asked me.

"I have." I said. He perked up.


"Harry." I muttered. "I made him swore not to tell. I was scared to tell anyone about my dreams. In the beginning I thought it was all in my head because Voldemort was at large again and with Cedric. I didn't understand what was happening to me and I still don't fully understand." He took off his half-moon glasses and sat them on his desk before clasping his hands together.

"Anna...your mother Silver was an excellent witch like yourself. She was very powerful, and Voldemort wanted that power for his own." He explained.

"I know." He didn't look surprised.

"Anna he's been getting into your head. You mustn't listen to him."

"But how?" I asked exasperated. He looked over at Snape.

"Severus." Snape nodded before turning to me.


I followed him to his office all the way back down to the dungeons.

"I am to teach you Occulmency {I probably spelt it wrong, oh well}. Considering the Dark Lord is aware of being connected to you he will abuse that privilege and use you to his favor." Snape explained unrolling a cloth with tools of some sort in them. He snapped towards me.  With the help of Occulmency you will be able to block him out and not be under is influence. In these lessons I am going to try and invade your mind you will attempt to resist. Prepare yourself." I quickly nodded.

"Legitimate" He said pointing his wand at me. I gripped the chair as images went flashing through my mind.

I heard people laughing. I saw George and I kiss.

Cedric's dead.

"No." I whispered as a tear escaped.

"Crucio" Lucius yelled.

I saw myself turn into a wolf going after dad who was fighting Uncle Remus.

"Concentrate." Snape snapped. I yelled out in pain. "Focus."

"Why are you staring at me?" I asked him quietly.

"Because you're beautiful." He responded using the same soft tone as I. I felt myself lightly blush. And before I knew it his lips were on mine.

Then I was pulled back into reality.

"That's private." I said.

"Not to me." He responded as I was still panting. "And not to the dark lord if you don't improve."

"I know." I told him.

"Every memory and thought you have he can use against you, you won't last 2 seconds if he invades your mind." He sneered.

And there it was again...that rage.

"He's been doing it since the end of last year." I snapped. "He's invaded my dreams. He's even talked to me." I exclaimed feeling the rage disappear. He looked shell shocked.

"What has he been saying?" He questioned.

"He wants me to join him. And quite frankly it drives me mad at times. I hate going to sleep at times because I know he'll be lurking in them. But most nights he puts images and I can hear him whispering my name and telling me to join him." I say exasperated as I slump into the chair.

Before I know it he does it again. I try my best to block it but it was hard.

More flashes went before me. Me saying goodbye to my father. Being tortured by Lucius.

"Please." I begged. "Stop."

"Control your emotions. Discipline your mind." He points his wand at me.


Dad's mug shot on the Daily Prophet, me and George's almost kiss, hugging Uncle Remus.

"I may vomit." I hear Snape say.

"Stop it. I'm tired we've been at it for hours. If I could just have a small break-"

"The Dark Lord never rests." He snaps. "If you let tour guard down and 'rest' for even a moment he will use that against you." Snape argued. He raised his wand.

"Legitimate ."

"Protego" I yelled.

I saw flashes of images. A girl with red hair and dark brown hair.

I saw a group of boys. Oh Merlin it was dad and James Potter along with Uncle Remus and Pettigrew.

I watched as dad and James bullied him and did a spell making him hang upside down.

"Please Sev. Will you protect her?"


I was pulled out of his head. I stood there shocked as I looked at Snape who was as surprised looking at me.

"I-I." I stuttered.

"Get out." He growled.

"I'm sorry." I said walking past him.



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