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"Here we go. Daddy's back." Mrs. Weasley said. as we all stood around the table at Grimmauld Place. "Sit down, everybody, sit down. That's it. Now, presents." She handed me and the others boxes as Harry just entered the room. I opened it up and unraveled a purple and navy blue scarf.

"Thank you Mrs. Weasley." I told her. She smiled at me.

"Your welcome, dear. Oh, Harry, Harry. There you are. Happy Christmas." She told him. George handed me a drink. I quietly said thank you to him. I felt kind of awkward standing next to him now ever since that kiss with Harry.

"A toast." Mr. Weasley stated. "To Mr. Harry Potter without whom I would not be here. Harry."

"Harry." We all said before taking a sip of our drinks.


I  wandered into the room with the family tree. I've only ever been in here once. I looked at the burn marks on the walls. I stumbled upon my father's name which was one of the ones which were burned off and right next to his was my name and a picture of me.

"My mother did that after I ran away." Dad said referring to his burnt off name as he entered the room. "Charming woman. I was 16."

"Where did you go?" I asked him.

"At James'. I was always welcomed at the Potters'."

"Dad...Harry wasn't the only one who saw Mr. Weasley attacked, I saw it too. I wasn't just watching. I was the snake. And afterwards, I woke up screaming in my dorm at least...I thought I did but then the next thing I knew I was in Dumbledore's office...I just..." I trailed off. "This connection between me and Voldemort. What if it's becoming stronger? And I-I turn evil or something and he does get me on his side. I just feel so angry all the time like I am going to snap and kill someone. What if with everything that has happened that I'm becoming bad?" Dad placed his hands on my shoulders.

"I want you to listen to me very carefully, Annabelle. You're not a bad person. You're a very good person who bad things have happened to. You understand?"

I nodded.

"Besides, the world isn't split into good people and Death Eaters. We've all got both light and dark inside us. What matters is the part we choose to act on. That's who we really are." I nodded. I stepped forward a and hugged him.

"Thank you." I whispered. He wrapped his arms around me hugging me back. After a moment we pulled apart.

"When all of this is over we'll be a proper family, I promise you." Dad told me as we walked out of the room.

"Uncle Remus." I exclaimed running over and hugging him. He lightly chuckled.

"Hello to you too Anna." I pulled away and smiled at him.

"I'm glad your okay." I told him. He smiled at him.

"Thank you. Now are you ready?" I eagerly nodded.


I stood outside the hospital room. I took a deep breath. Here goes nothing. I reach out turning the door handle and slowly pushed it opened before stepping in. I asked Uncle Remus to go in alone. I closed the door behind me before stepping closer to the bed.

I looked at the woman in the bed. She had long brown hair her face was sort of pale. There was this golden colored barrier around her. Uncle Remus said it's what was keeping her from starving etc.

"I was told that people who are in a coma can here what's going on around them." I started out saying. I sighed before pulling up a chair next to her. "You are probably thinking, who are you? I wouldn't blame you because you don't know me...not really at least." I said. I started playing wit my hands. "Well here goes noting but, I'm your daughter Annabelle. Uncle Remus must've told you years ago in this very spot how I was dead, well I'm not and.." I sighed heavily. "I'm sorry I just don't really know what to say, I'm just really happy to meet or just see you mum." I looked at her vacant expression. I saw a tear slowly slide down her face. I lightly gasped.

I slowly reached over and my hand went through the barrier. I lightly brushed the tear off her face. I felt my eyes well up. I quickly wiped my eyes.

"Well." I said standing up. "I just wanted to see you at least once before I go back to school. It was really nice to finally see and sort of meet you, mum. I promise I'll stop by again." I told her her before leaving.


So she finally meets her mom. Well kinda but still.

Hope you enjoyed


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