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"This is mad. Who'd wanna be taught by me? I'm a nutter, remember?" Harry asked as we all walked to the Hogshead. We've been talking about Harry teaching DADA since yesterday. Hermione came up with the idea.

"Look on the Brightside: you can't be an worse than old told face." I stated.

"Thanks Anna." He said somewhat sarcastically.

"Just relax I said I would help you teach them. Did I not?"

"Yes but-"

I cut him off.

"Glad we settled that then." I said. He sighed.

"Who's supposed to be meeting us, then?" He asked.

"Just a couple of people." Hermione answered. She opened the door and when we saw inside it was rather empty minus the old bartender and a goat. "Thought it would be safer off the beaten track."


I sat next to Harry in front of the other students who decided to show up. And let me tell you when I say I did not expect this many people to show up.

Hermione awkwardly stood up.

"Um, Hi." She started. "So you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. A proper teacher. One who's had experience defending themselves against the Dark Arts."

"Why?" A Hufflepuff questioned. He looked familiar I believe he used to be one of Ced's friends.

"Why" Ron asked. "Because You-Know-Who's back you tosspot."

"So he says."

"So Dumbledore says." I spoke up.

"So Dumbledore says because he says. The point is, where's the proof?" The boys responds. I glare at him.

"If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed..." Another guy said. I clenched my fist feeling that anger return. I took a deep breath to contain myself and luckily for me no one seems to be noticing me looking very tense.

"We are gonna talk about Cedric, so if that's why you are her then leave." I stated. Harry stood up and whispered to Hermione.

"Let's get out of here. They're here because they think I'm some sort of freak." He said to her.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna asked.

"Yes." I said. "I've seen it."

"Blimey, Harry. I didn't know you could do that." Dean said amazed. I slightly smirk.

"And he killed a basilisk, with the sword in Dumbledore's office." Neville spoke up.

"It's true." Ginny encouraged.

"Third year, he fought off about a hundred Dementors at once." I stated.

"Last year, he really did fight off You-Know-Who in the flesh."

"Wait." Harry said. "Look, it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is, most of that was just luck. I didn't know what I was doing half the time. I nearly always had help."

"He's just being modest." Hermione stated.

"No, Hermione, I'm not. Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school, if you make a mistake, you can just try again tomorrow. But out there when you're a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes. You don't know what that's like." He finished before sitting back down next to me. I placed a comforting hand on his arm.

"You're right, Harry, we don't. That's why we need your help. Because if we're going to have any chance at beating Voldemort." I told him.

"He really back?" A boy most likely a third year asked. Harry nodded.


We had them all sign their names on a piece of parchment.


"Right. First we need to find a place to practice where Umbridge won't find out." Harry stated as we all were walking back to the castle.

"The shrieking shack." Ginny suggested.

"Its too small." I told her.

"Forbidden Forest?"

"Not bloody likely."

"Harry, what happens if Umbridge does find out?"

"Who care?" Hermione asked. "I mean, it sort of exciting, isn't it, breaking the rules?" I chuckled.

"Who are you and what have you done with Hermione?" Ron asked and I laughed.

"Anyway, at least we know one positive thing that came from today."

"What's that?" Harry asked.

"Cho couldn't take her eyes off of you could she?" Hermione asked with a smug expression. I rolled my eyes.

"Right. Over the next few days, we should each come up with a couple of possibilities of places we can practice. We've got to make sure, where ever it is, there's no chance she can find us. "


"You've done it, Neville. You found the Room of Requirement." Hermione stated.

"The what" Ron asked confused.

"It's also known as the Come and Go Room." I stated. "I haven't been here since I believe first year. The Room of Requirement only appears when a person has real need of it. And it's always equipped for the seeker's needs." I explained.

"So say you really need the toilet..." Ron trailed off.

"Charming, Ron. But, yes, tat is the general idea."

"It's brilliant. It's like Hogwarts wants us to fight back."



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