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Hermione has given everyone a fake galleon which will tell us where and when our DA meeting are. Today was our first lesson you can say. We were right now practicing the disarming charm.

Neville was first standing in front of a fake death eater looking thing. It moved on its on holding a wand.

"Expelliarmus." Neville says. We all ducked as his wand went flying back. "I'm hopeless." He said disappointed.

"You're just flourishing your wand too much. Try it like this. Expelliarmus." Harry said successfully disarming the fake death eater.


"You will please copy the approved text four times to ensure maximum retention. There will be no need to talk." Toad stated.

"No need to think more like it." I commented.

"Wands away."


"Stunning is one of the most useful spells in your arsenal. It's sort of a wizard's bread and butter, really." Harry stated. "So, um, come on, then, Nigel. Give it your best shot." Harry told Nigel who stood the hesitantly before shouting.

"Stupefy." They both ended up flying back. That looked like that hurt.

"Good. Not bad at all, Nigel. Well done." He complemented.

Next up was Ron and Hermione.

The boys started encouraging Ron.

"One Sickle." Fred betted George.

"Your on."

"Stupefy." Hermione said making Ron let out a yelp as he was flung back. I laughed as I went over to Hermione.

I was now my turn and I was going against George. I saw Fred smirking from the sidelines.

"I'm ready when you are." George said. I rolled my eyes. "Stupefy." I quickly blocked it.

"Stupefy." I yelled throwing him back. I smirked.


I sat in a chair waiting to be questioned by toad face. The door opened and Harry came out. I sighed. I was up next.

"Whatever you do don't drink the tea." He whispered to me as he passed. I quickly nodded before walking up the stairs and into her office.

"Have a seat dear." She said. I sat down in a chair as she went around and sat down in her desk.

"How about a cup of tea?" I shook my head.

"No thanks, I don't like tea." I told her. She looked displeased by my response.

"Are you sure?" I nodded.

"Okay, very well." She cleared her throat.  "What do you know?" She began to question.

Lets just say she was rather frustrated at me for not telling her exactly what she wanted.


Right now I was levitating Nigel. I felt a soft hand on my hand.

"A little higher." Harry said softly rising my hand up a bit. I felt my cheeks flush. I look at Harry losing concentration. I heard a thump. my head snapped towards Nigel.

"Oh Merlin's beard I'm so sorry Nigel" I exclaimed.

"I'm okay. I'm okay." He reassured.

Third Person's POV

George stood there glaring at Harry. Fred nudged his brother snapping him out of it.

"Jealous?" He asked with a slight smirk. George didn't say anything but looked over at Anna who's cheeks were still pink. George did feel jealous.

He was in love with Anna. One of his best friends. He was usually fine with Harry but when that includes Anna he wasn't overly fond of him.

Harry and Ron walked away together.

"Blimey Harry I didn't know you liked Anna." Ron exclaimed. Harry quickly hushed his friend.

"Can you please be quiet." Harry hissed.

"How long?" Ron asked.

"What?" Ron rolled his eyes.

"How long have you liked her?" Harry's face went lightly pink.

"Since last year." He told his friend truthfully. Ron grinned.

"Oh you are so dead mate." Harry slightly glared at Ron.

"Oh yeah? Why is that?"

"Because George is practically in love with Anna. Everyone knows it and when you were 'helping' Anna he was glaring at you the entire time and George never glares or gets jealous really." Harry groans.

"I'm dead aren't I?" Ron chuckles.

"You might be mate. George can get a bit...competitive at times. So good luck." Ron said walking away making Harry mentally slapping himself. He didn't want George hating him but he didn't necessarily want George to be with Anna either.



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