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I'm like over and done with this book already.

But don't worry not this series, I'm just saying that I want to move onto to the 4th book that's all.

And there will be 5 books.


The next day they appointed the toad to be headmaster. She got Filch to get rid of all of the portraits. And she's making all these rules.

After last night I haven't spoken to neither Harry or George. George attempted to talk to me but I ignored him. I'm mad at him at the moment for what he did to Harry. He had no right to do that.

Besides that I have been studying with Hermione in the library for our OWL's which are coming up this week. The first of them is Charms.

"Anna." Someone whispered.

"Go away Fred." I said without looking up from my book. A chair scraped across the ground and was placed next to me. I rolled my eyes as Fred sat down. I shut my book and sent him a look. "I swear to merlin Fredrick if you are here to say George is sorry one more time I will hex you." I threatened. He raised his hands in surrender.

"No its not." He said as Madame Pince shushed us. "I came to see how you're doing." He said. I sighed.

"I'm fine." I told him. He lightly groaned.

"Anna I knew you since your first year, I know you are lying." I sighed in frustration.

"All right I'm not fine. lately I felt like I am going to explode with the Owl's coming up and with Harry and I kissing again."

"Woah wait again?" He asked loudly ending up with Madame Pince threatening to kick him out.

"Yes again, and then with George fighting  Harry I'm furious with him about it. He had no right to do that. Why would he do that to Harry?"

Fred sighs.

"Anna I need to tell you something." I look over at him.


"George was jealous. That's why he got into that fight with Harry. He didn't like you two together."

"He still had no-" Fred cut me off by covering my mouth with his hand.

"He's in love with you Anna." He exclaimed. My eyes widened.

"What?' I asked though it was muffled by his hand. His hand slowly fell from my mouth.

"Do you have feelings for George?" He asked me. I felt my face heat up.

"Yes, yes I do." I whispered looking down.

"Do you have feelings for Harry?" He then asked me. I kept quiet for a minute.

"I do, but..." I trailed off.

"But what?" Fred asked.

"I love George more." I said quietly surprising myself with what I just said. Fred's eyes widened.

"You love him?" He asked. I was frozen for a minute.

"I-I....yes...I do." I said. He smirked.

"Well my work here is done." He said standing up. I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"Georgie out can come out now." Fred called out. I heard footsteps then George came around the corner his face as red as mine looking at me awkwardly.

"You three out" Madame Pince yelled. We all left. I don't know how but Fred disappeared. George and I stood there alone in an empty corridor.

"Look Ana-" I cut him off.

"Don't I'm still mad at you." I told him beginning to walk away. I was turned around and lightly pushed into a wall, George's hands on my shoulders.

"I know I screwed up Anna. I regret it so much because it hurt you... I hurt you by doing that and that's the last thing I wanted. Fred was right, I was jealous because I am in love with you Annabelle Black. I couldn't stand the way Harry looked at you. I hated it." He ranted. "I love you." He whispered looking down. I cupped his face and made him look at me but not forcefully.

"I love you too." I went on my tippy toes and pressed my lips to his. He stood there stunned at first before grabbing my waist and pulling me closer.


Sorry Harry/Annabelle shippers lol.

I already came up with the names of George and Anna's kids.

Then again I had that done since book 1 lol.


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