Chapter 3 - Died and he came back

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  you walked beside him in the morning smiling very happy, you where smiling till hearing screeches from a head. two guards had went a head before the loud screeching. legolas seemed to dissapear in that instant towards the noise up the hill. Aragorn seemed to run up the hiss in the direction where Legolas ran Leaving you to hold on to the horse's rains. he stopped at the top of the hill seeing something before turning back running down the hill

" what is is " King Théoden asked as Aragorn ran down the hill to the king who rode over, " Wargs, Go back!" he yelled as he got the horse from you getting on it before riding off with it while the Villigers went to try and get to Helms Deep as Éowyn lead them.

you followed the men on horses, Aragorn seemed to turn seeing you follow " (y/n)! go back!" he yelled as you ignored him running on and jumped down to the area where the Wargs and Orc where come as did the horses.

the fight went on for some time, you sliced through orcs with your blades, their black blood squirting every where on your face and clothing a little. you turned as you cut an Orc down seeing Aragorn attack a Orc on a Warg before getting stuck getting dragged to the cliff your eyes widen in fear calling out to him before killing an orc and switched to your bow as you aimed towards The wargs head, but instead a Warg came to attack you from the side chomping down on your upper arm. you and the warg seem to tumble a bit before you drove your Dagger in to its neck 

after it died you pushed it off and got to your feet, putting your dagger, sword and bow away. you assisted Gimli to get up from being under Wargs and a Orc.

After king King Théoden Told everyone to get wounded on horses and leave the dead, it disgusted you as you just followed behind everyone to Helms deep. you stood alone outside for a moment having your hood up hiding your face and the cloak closer, Legolas saw you seeing the pain you had. he came over placing a hand on your shoulder " I'm sorry. for not treating you right, (y/n)...... i didn't want him to get...distracted like before ", you looked at him confused " What do you mean before?"

he looked away a little looking at the sky " he loved someone once in Rivendell, he never really focused at all when he thought of her" Legolas seemed to look down away from you sighing, "w..what happend to her" you asked you wondered did he still ave feelings for her " She Left with her people to the Undying lands, Aragorn has never been the same.....till " he stopped before looking at you thrn turning to leave you standing their


that night you stayed in a room that the king had let you stay in as you sat on a stool looking out the small window, your upper arm that got hurt still bled and stained through your ripped clothing, it didn't bother you, the pain wasn't as bad as losing Aragorn was. You loved him, you cried silently most elves didnt cry at a lost friend, but you where different. it was hard to hold back any emotion especially crying.

you decided to leave as you gathered your things heading out your chambers, but footsteps where heard behind you as you turned to see legolas running to you " (y/n) he's not dead, he came back"
your (e/c) eyes widen as you and legolas made your way to the throne room. You stood outside as Legolas went in to see Aragorn who spoke to the king, he talked to him for a moment then turned to point to you, Aragorn must have asked where you where. Aragorn went over to you embracing you tightly " (y/n), thank valar your ok " he said as he let go looking at you

" me,....what about you.....i thought you died falling off that cliff" you started to tear up, Aragorn pulled you close to him to let you hide your face that was stained with tears.

after he saw your upper arm, Aragorn took you gently by the hand. He took you in his chambers. he had you sit on the bead taking off the cloak to have a look " what happened (y/n)," he asked looking at you in the eyes. you blushed " I'm Fine, a Warg bit me when i tried to shoot the Warg that was dragging you " Aragorn nodded as he listened, he gently moved your Top away from the Bite. he was Gentle as it did hurt,but not as much as it could have, he had dressed it cleaned it before giving you another top to wear that was a little big but it suited. as he tilted his head looking at you

His Blue eyes met your (e/c) eyes as he smiled some " Lle naa vanima, (y/n)" you blushed deeply red as it made your heart race, he placed a hand on your cheek smileing as he came closer bit by bit wanting to see you'd pull away even in the slightest. you didn't move at all as he gently kissed you on the lips then pulled back to look at you " Ever since we met (y/n) i have wished to see you again because i had fallen for you, and now that we got back together i want to be with you " He placed his forehead on your " I said i'd never let my heart love any more......but i can not stop falling for you. you make me feel so alive (y/n)" Aragorn said, you looked at him smile " you make me feel so accepted....and i feel the same way for you...for a long time " he smiled as he heard you say that as he kissed you again, he wanted you in more ways than one

Lle naa vanima ( You are Beautiful )

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