He knows and leaves you behind - Chapter 9

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name

(h/c) = change to your hair colour

(e/c) change to your eye colour


You sat with the lads, sitting next to Aragorn who was at one side and Legolas at the other side; as you where sittting round a fire, Aragorn had seemed off since looking at the mountain;something he had saw when looking down that path got him really spooked, you placed a hand on top of his making him relax a little. After the food was passed round, it was some meat Gimli had cooked;sausages, inside some bread . you took a little bite but it weren't to your liking as you placed in in front of you; as legolas looked at you giving some stares
Even Aragorn and Gimli noticed and that wasn't like you;but only noticeing you were not eating. most of it was due to not likeing food like that; you had grown up on vegaterian like food and lambras bread. " Are you alright lass, you done seem to be your self lately" Gimli said smoking his pipe.
you gave a long side pinching your nose " forgive me for saying but its not to my liking, i have no taste for meat Gimli. i have grown up on different food than you " Aragorn gave a low laugh knowing what you ment
" Lambras bread" Legolas mentioned before going in a bag to retrieve it " we had the honor of getting some from Lothlorien, your home land" Legolas passed you the bread wrapped in a leave to keep it fresh.

After walking some distance Aragorn placed his plate down following after you carrying a apple that he had from his plate, He followed you as you stood at the edge to get some air as Aragorn cam beside you placing a hand on your shoulder. You turned to him having slight tears, all this guilt and the vision made you scared for Aragorn and your unborn child.
All Aragorn did was pull you in to a hug holding you, trying to comfort you from the worry's you seemed to have not knowing why she felt this way;he wanted to cumfort you like you did for him by just looking at him.

" (y/n) saesa quena a' amin, mani naa lle cryien about. saesa quena a' amin" Aragorn looked down, he gently moved your head to look at him, he watched you wipe your eyes to relax some

" sen naa something, tanya amin lond't nyare lle. ar' amin wish lle il- a' be angry, ten' ta worry's amin nyar- lle " before you said another word Gimli had interrupted as he came over
" Lass, I'm sorry,.....about smoking in front of ya, i will try and cut down on it " Gimli said, he had his helmet in his hand looking at the ground. you let go to go and kneel down in front of him " its alright, all if forgiven" you gave a smile and a slight chuckle about it

You didn't Tell Aragorn that time as you got interrupted as you got your things from your horse wondering where your tent was, no one had told you as of yet; it worried you that if you walked in on someone in their tent.
as you got your things it was a little heavy to carry nearly dopping everything but someone grabbed some things for you before you drooped all your stuff;Legolas who took a few things to help you carry them. Legolas and you had become very close like family, it was easy to tell him anything as he understood more than anyone right now

" you have not told him?" Legolas asked looking at you concerned, you shook your head as he started to walk you to a certain tent " you can not hold it back, the more you wait, the more Aragorn may feel hurt" Legolas poked his head in the tent speaking to someone and then moved to let you in; when you saw Aragorn your cheeks flushed slightly red, you didn't think would be shearing it with him. Legolas handed the stuff to Aragorn who took it and placed the stuff down.
you both spent the time to make the open out bed for both of you to sleep on;you where deep in thought wanting to tell him everything byt you feared the worst, being only a few weeks old from when back in Rohan.

After a while setting up the bed it became night so fast, Aragorn came behind you wrapping his arms round you to gently push your head up kissing your neck ever so slightly;it was bliss his sweet kiss with the roughness of his beard, " Aragorn.....what i was saying before" he stopped to look at you focused on what you where going to say;he had moved to stand in front of you holding your hands in his
you took a long breath and took his hand to sit on one of he beds " do you remember back in Rohan, when we...you know as the party was going on" He nodded as he had his eyes fixed to yours " and w-" Before saying a word a guard interrupted to say Theoden wanted to see them both.
you grumbled under your breath;again someone had came and interrupted you trying to tell Aragorn something really important; Aragorn et your hands go to walk with you to king Theoden's tent; your dressed blew in the wind as did the cape Aragorn had draped over you before leaving the tent

Aragorn looked at Elrond having a scared look on his face, " i have seen it, the fate if we fail" your voice came low as Aragorn and Lord Elrond looked at you " the Shadow, pain and blood that will spill" Elrond saw it in your eyes the fear you felt; Elrond took your hands in his giving a concerned look; his eyes said it all he already knew, he had seen it in his visions.

" It will not be our end but his" Aragorn looked confident in his words, you three spoke of the ships that where to arrive from the South at Minas Tirith in two days. Elrond told him of the Dead that dwelled in the mountain;you where shocked, their where dead men that lingered in the mountain, that served no one. thats what he saw, one of the dead when stareing at the long path towards the mountain.

" They will Answer to the King of Gondor" Elrond said and pulled out the sword, the one that beat Sauron before, reforged for Aragorn to defeat the enemy and take his place on the throne at Gondor, Aragorn took the sword from Elrond but hesitant at first as he pulled it out it sheath to hold it in front of him; his face showed his amazement at the newly reforged sword of his kin

After a few moments you looked at this vast and Amazing sword you had heard the story's, was Aragorn going to defeat Sauron and take up the throne and become king?;what would that make you if Aragorn allowed you to stay with him, " you need to protect them...not let that shadow fate take them both from you " Elrond said to Aragorn in a loud whisper, Aragorn stopped putting the sword away looking at you then Elrond
" Them!?!" Aragorn's whisper was loud but only for the three of them to hear:When Aragorn looked at you once more he looked to want answers " i will take my niece somewhere safe, and protect her and your child until you ether prevail or not" Aragorn put the sword down, it leaned on a table with ease as aragorn was now fixed to look at you;he did not look away only looked at you with hurt and confusion.

After talking to Elrond he decided to wait as Aragorn looked at you then turned away;with the sword he picked up once again he didnt say a word, Aragorn felt hurt you didnt tell him; but even worse you where going to battle while carrying a unborn child. Thats what made Aragorn most upset.
you followed him to his horse he was packing " Aragorn, talk to me please " he turned to you suddenly; his face haing intense worry and anger, he knew that their wasn't any time to undo the things that where to come.
Cluching the raiens of his horse he spoke with a slight harsh tone of a whisper" Why....you endangered your self and our child.....and worst of all you kept it from me" he turned away before leading the horse away from you towards the mountain.

" Aragorn.....Please...d....don't leave me here" he ignored your words walking off before Legolas and Gimli spoke to Aragorn about comeing with him; they would not leave him, they where loyal to always follow;he had not lead them astray from the task that all the men faced
you watched them before they all left in to the mountain path to lead them under the mountain; Aragorn left you at the encampment with Elrond, he wanted nothing but for your safety and the safety of his unborn child
You weren't going to let them fight alone one way or another you where going to battle. you wanted to fight for him, for Aragorn and for Haldir and your kin

(y/n) saesa quena a' amin, mani naa lle cryien about. saesa quena a' amin ( (y/n) please speak to me, what are you crying about. please speak to me )
sen naa something, tanya amin lond't nyare lle. ar' amin wish lle il- a' be angry, ten' ta worrys amin nyar- lle ( Their is something, that I haven't told you. and i wish you not to be angry, because it worry's me to tell you )

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