I give you my everything - Chapter 7

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name

(h/c) = change to your hair colour

(e/c) change to your eye colour


Aragorn walked round the room a little, He wanted to find you before he got stopped by Éowyn, you could see this from the corner of the room she talked to him and offered a goblet that had something with in it.

You had sat in the corner watching people having fun and partying, all you thought of was why, why where they partying for the lifes lost today, Your grandmother and grandfather always did it as a time of silance to thin of those who have passed and to morn them through song.

Aragorn took the goblit in his hands taking a sip before handing it back, what was it you thought, why did she give him a goblit that she was passing around to everyone.

Aragorn looked around more speaking to Gandalf about Frodo then gave a long sigh. " What is the matter " Gandalf asked him, watching as he rubbed his temples. " i can not find (y/n)....i am worried for her " he looked at Gandalf who nodded at him. " I see Aragorn.....she has suffered a great loss......these customs must be different from the elves. " Gandalf watched Pipin and Merry dance on the table top as he smiled, " i believe i saw her beside a window......somewhere" Gandalf looked to Aragorn then nodded after speaking

" Thank you Gandalf." Aragorn smiled before leaving to see you sitting on a stool looking out of the open window that you sat next to. The wind gently made your (h/c) move a little in the breeze. you turned to see Aragorn walking to you with two glasses in his hands, your (e/c) eyes met his blue ones as he sat on a stool across from you.

" (y/n).....Malia ten' yulna" his voice was gentle as he spoke to you, it slightly made you feel better eer so slightly, but the costoms of men to the dead bothered you quite a bit.

you gave a slight nod, he took the glass placing it in your hand. " Diola lle " Aragorn put his hands over yours as you held the glass making you blush. Aragorn just stared in to your eyes for a moment before letting go " Tolo"


He had took you to his chambers to see you alone and both of you sat on the bed facing one another, Aragorn was being so kind it was making it harder to hold it in, you looked down at the wine in the glass watching it move about. Aragorn took the glass from your hand to sit it aside on a table

Aragorn pulled you close to him in his strong arms, when he did it felt as though no one could hurt you " (y/n)....i know your hurting inside.....and i know these are not your customs to deal with the loss and its all hard for you to bear". You bit your lip hard looking down trying to hold it all back " you may be an Elve, but i know you are part human, meaning you feel more, pain, suffering and grief, its ok to let it out"

" ta naa. . . . amin wish tanya haldir ume il- wanya tuulo' sina palurin " Aragorn could feel the tears falling from your face and landed on his trousers.

After what seemed for so long you where able to stop crying, just letting out your pain was something to ease the suffering that was in your heart. Aragorn stayed with you as the night went on, you both lay on your sides face one another talking but with the occasional kiss or two. You loved Aragorn so much, he had taught you many things, and you showed him their was hope even in the baddest of times.

when you sat back to look at him he gave a faint smile as he took your arm, the injured arm to unbind it to have a look. " it still pains me, but alas it does not hurt to bad" you and Aragorns eyes meet again as he picked up some things from the room to clean and leave kingsfoil on it once again. Aragorn binded it better than legolas had as he took his time.

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