Our Love - Chapter 4

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  (y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair colour(e/c) change to your eye colour

He brought you into a kiss once again; pulling away he pushed some of your (h/c) hair behind your ear.  He took both hands as he gently held the back of your head to bring you to kiss him again, he put his tongue in your mouth exploring it, this made you moan softly as you wrapped your arms around his neck. Once he broke the kiss he pressed his forehead to yours "There is to be a big battle by night fall......I do not know what the outcome will be." he said still holding your head.

"I understand....." you said holding onto him ever so closely.  "(y/n).....I want to make love to you, just once if it will be our first and last moments together." he sounded a little scared but very sure of what he wanted, you wanted it do as you nodded in agreement.

Pulling away you slowly back up to a small bed unlacing your leggings as you did, Aragorn took off his tunic as he followed you. You were about to unlace your shirt but Aragorn took your hands and placed them on his chest, his hands then went to the ties holding your shirt together and slowly unlaced them; once loose he slowly lifted it over your head.

You covered your breasts blushing softly, no one has seen you like this before; Aragorn softly grabbed your wrists and pulled them away exposing yourself to him making your blush deepen. "Do not hide yourself from me." Aragorn whispered; his fingers traced patterns up your sides getting closer to your breasts. Gasping softly you arched your back pushing yourself closer to him when he reached the swell of them; he rubbed his thumbs over your nipples making them harden.

Unable to wait any longer you sat down on the bed and moved closer to the headboard, Aragorn pulled your leggings down slowly leaving you completely bare before him; you spread your legs for him exposing your womanhood to him

Aragorn rubbed two fingers against your slit before slowly pushing them in, you bite your bottom lip as his fingers begin to pump in and out of you preparing you for him. "A-Aragorn...please." You whispered looking at him. Pulling out his fingers he unlaced his pants with his other hand and pulled out his hard member; he stroked himself a few times with his wet hand covered in your essence before laying between your legs.

Panting softly you arched your back as he pushed inside you as gently as he could not wanting to hurt you, when he was all the way in you looked up at him and wrapped your arms around his neck. He rolled his hips letting you get used to the feeling of him inside you, it felt uncomfortable at first but as you adjusted pleasure took over your body.

Aragorn took your right leg and lifted it around his waist and massaged your thigh as he thrust softly, your fingers tangled in his hair and tugged softly with each thrust. "I love you." He said looking deeply into your eyes. Yours eyes widened a little, "I-I love you too Aragorn." You brought your right hand to his cheek and pulled him into a kiss.

You wrapped your other leg around his waist pulling him closer and deeper within you; moaning against your lips he began to thrust a little faster, your inner walls began to flutter around his member signaling you were close. Breathing heavily Aragorn thrust harder and deeper swelling within you before he groaned your name as he spilled inside you setting you off clenching around him; you held him close as you panted heavily as your heart raced in your chest.

After a few moments laying in that bed letting the heat die down, you both looked at each other as Aragorn placed her fore head to yours, you smiled at his peaceful but frightened for what was to come expression " Aragorn, mani oio marta, amin will mela lle. ten'oio " you smiled as you both untangled your self from each other.
Aragorn pulled the covers over both of you and held you close.


What seemed so long to lay with Aragorn was cut short as a Guard walked the halls calling for the men and other who where to fight, they where asked to come and get ready. the Guards voice was harsh like scrapping a rock on a wall. it wasen't a nice message, now Aragorn had to go as he was already sitting up.
Aragorn climbed off the bed and dressed back in his trousers lacing them up and then re-buttoning his top. Aragorn didn't have a happy expression, he wanted to stay with you in bed longer, but the fight was coming and soon.
Aragorns Blue eyes met your (e/c) eyes " Amin caela aut- (y/n), manka amin uma il- entula, be varna. . . . ar' sinta amin will mela lle, ten'oio"
your (e/c) eyes widen at his words making you scramble up holding the light sheet, to cover your self in case someone was to enter. " uma il- oio quena ve' tanya, aragorn. Tenna' ale' dagora " you stood in front of him as Aragorn pulled you in to a tight but comforting hug. Aragorn was afraid but he wasent going to give up the fight when he still drew breath.

( sorry their is no pictures, this is smut. I give a warm and big thank you to , she was the amazing person behind the smut as i am unable to. please check out her storys at )

Tenna' ( Untill )
Aragorn, mani oio marta, amin will mela lle. ten'oio ( Aragorn, what ever happens, i will love you. forever )
Amin caela aut- (y/n), manka amin uma il- entula, be varna. . . . ar' sinta amin will mela lle, ten'oio ( I have to go (y/n), if i do not return, be safe....and know i will love you, Forever )
uma il- oio quena ve' tanya, aragorn. Tenna' ale' dagora ( Do not ever speak like that, Aragorn. Untill After batte )

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