Party and traveling for a dear friend - Chapter 15

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name

(h/c) = change to your hair color

(e/c) change to your eye color


Aragorn didn't light his pipe; he decided maybe later since what happened back in the encampment before he knew when Gimli was smoking it bothered you " Lle tyava quel?" Aragorn asked putting his pipe back in his pocket placing an arm gently round you.
As you smiled, you rested your  head on aragorns shoulder.

" uma, Melamin. amin naa eithel ar' naa lle eithel?" You said as Aragorn nodded. Both Aragorn and you found that you both often spoke in elvish when with other elves or wishing to speaking in private; at times  Aragorn found it funny sometimes speaking Elvish then English of men, you didn't mind doing this for Aragorn so he did not need to try so hard to always speak in elvish and it helped you as well to listen to how he or others say specific words


Aragorn shifted position to hold you better as he smiled, he knew it be soon in quite a few months but to him it was soon. " is the feast and party not to your liking?" Aragorn asked as you looked up at him as he only smiled placing his kiss to your forhead that was free from your head piece that was taken off when the party started.

" no it is not that. i only needed a moment of quite " Aragorn smiled seeing your face when looking to the distance in a slight twisted pain " (y/n), are you alright? should i call Elrond to have a look at you, you look in pain" Aragorn said as he got up to kneel in front of you. you only laughed at his overreaction.

" No Aragorn, i am alright. you would not understand it. its only i feel with every day this child.....our child growing bigger with every passing month, i am excited but also scared" you did not look at him for a moment having your arms round your belly; suddenly strong arms puled you in to a warm hug, Aragorn's hug.  Aragorn let go but held your shoulders as both of you met each others gaze
" (y/n) nothing will ever happen to you, i will not allow that. i will not loose you. i will be by your side. For better or worse, in sickness and in health" you teared up hearing him say it and nodded as Aragorns gentle hands whipped the tears from your eyes.  you stood with him and headed in to the party as it was getting a little chilly, you smile seeing all the Elves, Dwarfs and Men looking to be having a fantastic time.
 Aragorn went to speak to Legolas and his father laughing and making jokes. one thing you knew that lacked was your mother and father; you held your glass which was filled with only water. You wished so much for them to be here, but for now you enjoyed the party.

Lady Galadriel came over placing a arm around you, seeing the slight tears forming in your (e/c) eyes " lle're Nana ar' Ada nauva proud en' lle (y/n)" you nodded listening to her as she wipes some tears from your eyes. Lady Galadriel knew it was hard for you to grow up without parents, she wished it wasn't so but time was not kind to some and could not be changed.

" uma, amin naa grateful tanya lle, elrond ar' celeborn ume il- kela ten' i' undyien lands" you looked at her as she only laughed pulling her arm to pull you to a hug smiling giving a slight laugh. Lady Galadriel took a moment to calm her self then looked at you kneeling a little to meet her height as you where a little shorter than Aragorn and most Elves " amin will il- uma ikotane, lle dona amin own hin than grandchild (y/n) " Lady Galadriel truly meant it, after the loss of her daughter-in-law and son after (y/n)'s mother died after giving birth on the road.

Lady Galadriel's smile always warmed your heart, in the distance you could see Lord Celeborn speaking with Elrond as it looked like a heated talk about something, " excuse me for a moment" Lady Galadriel smiled then left to walk to her husband to see what was wrong with the pair.

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