Battle at Minas Tirith - Chapter 10

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair colour(e/c) change to your eye colour


You walked back towards your tent and in the distance Éowyn;even know not having the best of friendships you needed someone to talk to besides Elrond. Éowyn looked at you giveing a slight smile, before she knew it you had pulled her close having your arms round her neck.
Éowyn's eyes widened in suprise for you to just pull her in to an embrace " (y/n)?....what is the matter" she pulled you from the embrace seeing your sad expression;Éowyn brought you to her tent to come and sit wanting to help you

You expressed it all;from finding out about being with child to Aragorn leaving you here, you where afraid for him. what if he never returns or you all fail and the Shadow consumes all of middle earth.

" Éowyn, i know you will follow the men in to battle. i am comeing to" you looked at her;but Éowyn looked shocked about what you wanted to do, especially with being with child. " (y/n) i dont think its wise y-" You didnt let her finish her sentence speaking to her more serious" what would you do? your lover is away to battle and your where to be left here?....and having someone you hold dear die in front of you in the battle before" Éowyn's eyes looked down after you spoke;she was thinking about it what you said to what she would do her self
" (y/n), i would do the same as thy, to ride to battle to assist thy lover and kin"


As the morning sun started to shine through the trees you where with Éowyn in her tent. you looked at her with her armor on as she fixed her helmet. she was brave to hide while going in to battle. you belived it was the right thing to do.
" How does the armor fit, (y/n)"Éowyn asked you. she turned to see you, long hair sticking put just the bottom of the helmet, Éowyn's smile made you be at ease.

Éowyn was an amazing woman, you liked her as a friend and wanted to stay by her side during this battle, since last night you and her had grown a little closer to each other, you walked over to her taking out one of your boot daggers and held it out to her
" Take it somewhere within reach" Éowyn looked at this crafted dagger, her face showed she marveled at the metal craftsmanship

" i can not take such a weapon" Éowyn held it back out to you hopping you would take it back " i can not take such a marvel of a dagger " you smiled at Éowyn's shyness to your generosity
" Please Éowyn, these daggers have helped me in so many dangers. they where crafted to aid a person in such a circumstance that they are unable to grab their own sword or weapon" you smiled as your (e/c) met Éowyn's.

" i will return it to you after the battle " Éowyn smiled and gave a bow, she attached one of the daggers you gave to her on her thigh so it was hidden but in reach when in the heat of the battle

You where ready having your own weapons hidden under your green cloak and weapons on the horse you where to ride in to battle to look like any other of the men. you did not like man made weapons you where taught to use elvish made weapons, you felt they where lighter and much more easier to use than any other man made ones

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