Battle ends with darkness Chapter 11

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair colour(e/c) change to your eye colour

(Fellbeast - the weird creatures that the Witch-King of angmar rode. if its not the right name let me know in the comments)


you and Éowyn's fought while looking around for Merry, the small hobbit who rode with Éowyn when they where riding in to battle. this was not good the little hobbit may be brave but he was not a born fighter, and you both feared for little Merrys life. in the distance a foul screech came from a Fellbeast that had a Nazgul a top him as he swooped down attacking the Men from Rohan. the foul screeched made you both cover your ears at the pain as it passed through your ears like a shock of pain.
The Fellbeast landed and its master on top as it grabbed Theoden's horse and swung it around with Theoden still attacked to the horse it looked like the Beast had caught his foot while attacking the horse. Éowyn's eyes and face turned to shock as you saw this to bringing out your Bow, seeing the terror in Éowyn, her Uncle being attacked. For Éowyn seeing him attacked it was not normal and brung fear to her face

Theoden was swung; the horse was let go to make it fall and tumble on the ground a few feet away from the Fellbeast and its master. Theoden thudded to the ground as the Fellbeast growled at Theoden who was trapped under his white horse, the Fellbeast came closer to him with anger and hunger in its eyes, it wanted to eat Theoden but waited on the Witch-Kings command to do so. the master let the Fellbeast get closer to him even more before stopping before he was to speak to the Creature.
" Feast on his flesh" the Witch-king said with a icy and cod tone,he had a whisper like voice when he spoke it was odd to you but this was the time to save Theoden.

Éowyn went between Theoden and the Witch-King. you followed and held your Bow with an Arrow notched in place ready to attack. Éowyn was mad not at anyone only the Witch-King, she wanted him dead for attacking her uncle as you could see it in her eyes. " I will kill you if you touch him" Éowyn was serious if he tried anything she would attack it was written on her face. you gave a nod agreeing standing just at the side to keep an arrow ready to hit the Fellbeast.

"do not come between the Nazgul and its prey" The Witch-King said as the Fell beast went to attack Éowyn; it went to try and attack her arm but just missed since she dodged it. you let the arrow go to hit the Fellbeast in the eye making it screech in pain and giving Éowyn time to attack the beasts neck. Éowyn chopped the Beasts neck several times and hacked it off its own long neck, it fumbled for a moment before falling to the ground dead
" you killed it " you said lowly shocked and surprised at Éowyn; she was brave but now seeing her skills in the heat of battle it showed she was a very skilled fighter.

But the Witch-King didn't not fall with the beast once it stopped moving and lay dead on the floor he stood up; like nothing had ever happened, you know this Witch-King had so much darkness and evil in him by just looking at him. the Witch-King looked at Éowyn who took a shield in hand ready to attack.
You swapped to Haldir's sword you took from him you wanted to help Éowyn, walking to her side ready to attack the Witch-King with Éowyn, you would not let her stand alone in this fight " I've got your back " your voice was a whisper standing ready with a firm grip on the sword.
" and I to you (y/n)" Éowyn gave a nod as the Witch-King stood their with one hand on his sword and the other holding a spiked bakk in a long chain and handle. he was not one to underestimate, he was a hard one to kill, but you believed in Éowyn and she to you.

the Witch-King swung the spiked ball at you and then Éowyn, both ducking the attacks he was trying to hit one of us making it swing round then hit the ground, to keep a difference to his attacks each time. he was attempting to disarm Éowyn but she ducked many of his attacks with you in toe; with one swing it hit you back just slightly to stumble back on to your but;and attacked Éowyn at the same moment hitting her sword and making her stumble back a few steps.

he swung once more and broke Éowyn's shield as she fell back on to Theoden's horse. The Witch-King stepped closer to her, You stepped between them holding your sword at hand and the other just letting it hand as it was the one he hit when you fell back.

The Witch-King swung the spiked ball once more as you tried to block with the sword but it was no use he nocked you to your side with a thud to the ground and a gasp as it knocked the air out of you . He grabbed you by the neck to lift you up off your feet" You fools, No man can kill me....Die Now"

Before he could do anything, Merry came up from behind and stabbed the Witch-King in the back. Merry let out a cry of pain as the weapon he used vanished and made him fall back yelling in pain from what he had done.

The Witch-King let you go, as you stood before him crying out of pain when Merry stabbed him, Éowyn came to your side before you took out the dagger you had and Éowyn did the same giving her a nod as both took your helmets off. Éowyn spoke letting out a long breath "We are not Men" Éowyn yelled as you followed her lead to jab the daggers in to his helmet; He screeched in pain as his helmet shriveled up the the daggers went flying out from the place you both stabbed.
The Witch-King shriveled and fall in to a heap of clothing and metal. he was dead before your feet.

Taking a step back you turned to see green, Ghosts attacking the rest of the enemy, you walked to pick up the Daggers from the ground and held them in each hand panting for breath, the battle had taken its tole leaving you exhausted and with many pains.

Éowyn crawled over to Theoden talking to him as he spoke his final words it was heart breaking even for you; placeing your daggers back in their place you saw your bow on the ground a few yards away, but you had no strength left falling to your knees letting a long moment as the ghosts take on the rest of the remaining enemy. you fell to your back letting the darkness fill your mind. not to death but to rest for the time.

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