Its all over, our Life can begin now together - Chapter 13

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair colour(e/c) change to your eye colour


You where walking the halls of Minas Tirith; it was an amazing place and soon when Aragorn would return he would be crowned as king. it made you smile that he would king to become the man he was always meant to be. Aragorn would be kind and soon marry to you, it was something you dreamed of to be bound to him for the rest of your lifes.

Aragorn was due to return home soon; but no word had been passed on at all. your feet brung you out to the courtyard past the tree to look over wall looking in the distance wishing as you scanned the vast horizon to see if any glimce of Aragorn coming but alas there wasn't any. Moments later as you walked away a Guard came running to you cloaked in Minas Tirith armor.
the man caught his breath before standing to bow ever so slightly " My lady....some of your kin has come " this supried you, some of your kin had come to Minas Tirith; was it your grandparents or your uncle.

swiftly you made your way down to the gates escorted by the same guard who informed you; you came to a hault as the gates where already opened and a cloaked figure jumped to the ground and walked over, you where inpatient as the Elve lowered his hood. it was none other than Elrond your uncle having a relived face ad he brought you in to a close hug
" (y/n)......oh i am so glad you are unharmed" Erond smiled looking at you " Aragorn will be returning soon......i brought some garments to get you ready" you and elrond smiled and then chuckled
" What about Lord Celeborn and lady Galadriel" you looked at Elrond holding the reins of the horse to lead it as Elrond walked beside you.

" are they still in Lothlorien" You asked as Elrond was silent as you came to stables and put his horse in; he didnt say much when you both walked to your room as he did tell you Lord Celeborn and lady Galadriel still remained at home.
Elrond helped you into your gown; he loved you as his own as a lot of the time as a child you spent with him, he smiled as he could easily see the slight curve at your dress where your abdomen was and the child that would grow.

the dress was a simple design much like lady Galadriel's but more of a younger style and cut to sit nicelt on you even if you where with child; the dress was a light blue color close to white but slightly blue. Elrond smiled as he saw you stand their " i know, Arwen would want you to give Aragorn love, her departure doesn't mean she hates you for taking his love" Elrond placed his hands on your shoulders smiling his words rung with truth and you believed him " she would want it this way to be with her mother in the Undying for i. i intend to stay"

Elronds words made you choke on tears to bring him close as you teared up to cry; Elrond still loved you as family and it would never change, he knew he would love you always and your child.
Elrond finaly placed a headpiece on your head smiling happy you where ready as the headpiece made it all come together. Elrond smiled as you both talked for a while he assisted you to the courtyard.

(Note the dress is white in the pic but in the Fan fic its not all white)

Later that day everyone was present even the little hobbits at Aragorns Corination; it was amazing you though to see Aragorn crowned prince, he was cleaned up in dressed in matching attire. you remained in the back away from the doors; where Aragorn was being crowned now as King of Gondor by non other than Gandalf.

Gandalf placed Aragorns crown on his head smileing as he spoke in a loud voice for everyone to hear" Now come the days of the king" Aragorn slowly stood up to turn to everyone;Gandalf stood down a step to the same step Gimli was on to stand facing him and Aragorn in the middle a step up from them.

You wanted to run up to him and embrace him with all your might but this moment was his; he would see you in a second after; Aragorn deservedit for everyone to see the man who he was meant to be a king, your king one day. Everyone cheered inducing you, he was so amazing and handsome you thought and you could not wait to embrace him in your arms again.

after we all went quite for Aragorn to speak " this day dosenot belong to one man....but to all. Let us together rebuild this world....that we may share in the days of peace" Everyone cheered once again; he was right today belonged to everyone. the day we all came together to defeat the evil in this world to bring peace for a longer period of time.
Aragorn began to sing in a low song, the song was so lovely and kind he had an amazing voice to sing low songs it suited him perfectly. the song he sung was short but ran in your head again and again, it was so gentle and it relaxed you from your impatience wanting to run to him.

He walked down the steps passing guards the lined the courtyard and people behind them as they bowed as Aragorn passed, their king. Gimli walked behind him slowly with guards behind him as well. as he walked even Faramir and Eowyn bowed ad him, including Eowyn's brother Éomer.

you walked infront of Elrond and other elves stood infront of you also; you where other Elves who stayed in Middle Earth and didnt leave. in front was Legolas dressed in his traditional clothing and headpiece, he did look like him self the Prince of Mirkwood. Legolas spoke to Aragorn in Elvish before placing a hand on Aragorn's shoulder and both smiled at each other.
Legolas stepped to the side a little and looked past him in the direction he moved from. you lowered the pole you held with a symbol of a tree on it to look at Aragorn smiling so happy to see him; Elrond tapped you back slightly whispering you to go, like he was giving you away to him.

Aragorn and you walked to each other slowly; His eyes where full of relief and happiness to see you. you couldnt hep it but have tears slowly well up in your eyes; this moment it felt like before not seeing him for so long to now see him again was amazing, slowly he took the pole to move it away to see more of you.
he found you stunning in your dress and headpiece more than he had seen you before in casual or traveling clothes. you knew he was now king and it made you feel slightly nervous to be with him; with people looking at you also. lowering your head at him to show him respect.

Aragorn did not say a word as he gently held your chin to make you look up at him to let him look as your beautiful face he had not seen in what felt like forever. Aragorn pulled you in to kiss you passionately he held you up to spin you round as he held the kiss for a few moments; it felt like magic his kiss, the rough beard with the softness of his lips.
he let you from the kiss to look at you with love in his eyes but for you it was not enough as you pulled his head in to kiss him once more. you let him go after a moment whispering to him " amin'm never lettien lle kela amin oio au' "
you both chuckled lowly as you embraced him closely; you loved him as you let him go;he placed his hand in your as he walked. people moved out the way making a path for us to walk through;where was he leading you?


now you and Aragorn where stood in front of 4 Hobbits, tow of them you knew. Pipin and Merry; the other two you did not know but knew these must of been the hobbits Aragorn told you about the ones who went to Mordor and destroyed the ring by them self's. the 4 Hobbits then slowly bowed at Aragorn and you.
Aragorn let your hand go to step forward to them smiling and lifted a hand to make them stop bowing " My bow to no one"
Aragorn then you, followed by everyone else bowed at these 4 little hobbits; hero's in Aragorn and your eyes, to the normal eye looked like children. but they where hero's they helped defeat Sauron as much as anyone else here, you believed this to.

The hobbits stayed in the palace for a while but soon had to leave to make the long road back to their home in the Shire, you let them know that they could visit at any time and you would to them if you where able. Giving each a hug you stepped back and they mounted their horses and left with Gandalf, Elrond left to making the journey back to Rivendell his home to his people to.
it was heart breaking to see them go, but wasn't the end, was just the beginning of a long Age of peace

Their is another chapter don't worry, the next few chapters are of my own making so dont diss it.

amin'm never lettien lle kela amin oio au' ( i'm never letting you leave me ever again )

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