i lived and the fight is over - Chapter 12

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair colour(e/c) change to your eye colour


---- Aragorn's POV still ----

" Legolas, Gimli look for (y/n). Now!" Aragorn's voice was now filled with worry including his face, he clutched (y/n)'s bow close then put it on his back to keep it safe. Gandalf was not far off as Aragorn's and Gandalfs eyes met, that second Gandalf knew and went looking as well. Gandalf know how much he loved her and she to him.

Gandalf saw a blade shining in the light as he went over with a fast pace, knowing who it was Haldir's he ran over to push off what was on top of (y/n), seeing her lay on the ground cloaked in the green pin of Lothlórien. Gandalf looked up to the direction Aragorn was in " Aragorn!" He called out, he placed hand on the side of her head, Gandalf spoke whispers like he did once for Pipin but it was different than back then.

Aragorn Arrived to kneel down beside Gandalf and (y/n). He looked to Gandalf who looked back at him " she is alright, what i feel she had been hurt by The Witch-King of Angmar. We must bring her to the House of Healing, for her sake and her child" Gandalf's tone was serious but at a normal pace for him to catch each word.

Aragorn got (y/n) and Éowyn to the house of healing, and various other people needing help. including Merry who Pipin had found recently.


Aragorn had first tended to Éowyn as she had came in first while you where being brought to a separate room. Once she was awake her smiled and left her with Eromer, her brother; he was so grateful for her to be alive right now shedding tears of joy.

Aragorn came to the chamber that the men brought you in to having Legolas and Gimli wait outside. He took a cloth and placed it in a bucket of water then rung it out to make it less wet and placed it on your forehead holding your arm with the other free hand; your arm was covered in dark marks from the fight with the Witch-king.

Aragorn wore a worried and scared look on his face wishing and praying
" saesa, (y/n). tul a n'alaquel a' amin Melamin. amin anta lle" he whispered, he didn't pay attention to Gandalf who stood next to him;Gandalf was wishing himself for Aragorn for his love to wake and live. After what Aragorn thought was the longest moment waiting you let out a low gasp of air in to your lungs, you where not dead just pulled away from the darkness that you faced, you slowly opened your eyes to see Aragorn's blue eyes met your (e/c) eyes, but only for a moment

Aragorn did now say a word as he let you rest your eyes, he took the cloth to gently clean your arms from the dark marks that lingered; Aragorn was not angry at you nor disappointed, he was relived that you where alive. " Amin hiraetha, Aragorn" you let out a whisper

" uma il- quena, esta. Melamin" Aragorn whispered back, he placed a hand on your face gently. once you where asleep Gandalf came to his side taking one of your hands, Gandalf spoke in low whispers ad not even Aragorn could tell what he was saying
Gandalf was looking inside you, not in the way one may think he knew. he wanted to see inside and look at you're child was still 'Alive and kicking'.

Gandalf placed your hand back down to look at Aragorn with a emotionless expression for a second, but it slowly curled at the sides to a small smile " her child it ok, but she should not go to war pr any danger for some time"


After a few hours you woke up to look around the room a little, it was large and clean; with a desk near a open bit for one to look out. You sat up to see your self in a white gown with a ever so slight blue to it. you loved it the way it sat like all your other gowns you wore when at home or Rivendel visiting your Uncle Elrond. You felt guilty for leaving him at the encampment; or maybe with his foresight he knew you had to go and did not stop you
you looked at your hands and saw the gently wrapped bandage around them. You reconised the handy work anywhere, how gently it was wrapped so it was not to loose nor tight; the way it was wrapped to fit your arm and some of your slender hand.

Was Aragorn cross at you for coming to war, for leaving the safety that Elrond could of kept you. you desperately wished to know how he felt, placing you hand on your ever so slightly changed abdomen you still felt the feeling;the same one you felt when you knew you found out about carrying his child, you stood to your feet and looked around the tidy room.
what room had you been placed in? was it a guest room? or was it somewhere closer to where Aragorn's room? was Aragorn going to take the Throne when this is all over?
You wished that he would take the throne, not for you nor for the people. but for himself, to be who he is meant to be.

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