Captured - Chapter 16

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name

(h/c) = change to your hair color

(e/c) change to your eye color


Aragorn woke You up as the sun came up. Dawn, he knew that was early but the earlier they woke the possibility they would get where they knew they needed to before they could rest or call it a day. You woke up looking up at Aragorn who was smiling happily as he kissed you gently.

" forgive me (y/n), for waking you ..... but the sooner we go the sooner we can get to the rest stop or to the boundary of Mirkwood if it goes well" Aragorn smiled helping you to stand up slowly as you held a hand on your belly, nodding as you slowly stood

You walked with him to where the guards where they where preparing the horses to leave. Aragorn smiled as he helped prepare, they put out the fire out and making sure the camp was packed up.
The guards jumped on their horses before Aragorn helped you on your horse, Aragorn got on his then began to set off on their journey to Mirkwood again. The journey was long and you hated the bumps as the horse went over them. Every time it was bumpy you could feel the child kick and move around. you didn't tell Aragorn who looked back at at her every so often to see if everthing was ok.

Aragorn stopped about noon to take a rest for you and his men as Aragorn let his men rest he helped you off the horse and Aragorn wraped hands round you hugging her close. "Hey how are you feeling (y/n)? " Aragorn asked looking at you smiling hoping everything was ok

"Yes I am ok Aragorn, just the bumps keeps making the little one fussy" you smiled as she saw that Aragorn was worried as Aragorn gently rubbed her belly trying to help the little one rest and help relax you for now.

You nodded smiling as Aragorn walked with you to sit down on a near a rock and Aragorn sat beside her holding her hand. you took long breaths calming yourself as Aragorn let you rest your head on Aragorn shoulder. They both where glad for a rest and they had gone quite far for half a day.
For a while it was all quite before the sounds of loud thunder like noise that was a group of some kind heading their way; aragorn stood as did the guards grabbing onto their sword handles then the sounds came closer they pulled their swords out and Aragorn stood in front of you to protect her.
Over the hill the figures of what looked like orcs where drawing near. Aragorn grabbed your hand leading you to the horses and helped on to your horse then aragorn stares at you for a momment with worry in his eyes.

"Ride, get safely away alright we will be ok" Aragorn said as he slapped the horses behind and it began to run off towards Mirkwood. As the horse ran off Aragorn turned and attacked the orcs that was coming at them and they took them out.


You made the horse run fast towards Mirkwood in a fast pace before the horse came to a river and panicked backing off making noises franticly, you jumped off the horse needing a seat to relax as her heart was pounding and the child was moving around a lot as you rubbed her belly trying to relax them.

You made low moans as the baby kicked very hard; soon after some quite moments the baby calmed down and relaxed as you rubbed her belly in small circles. You sighed glad her dress was comfortable and in this momnet it really helped.
It was quite for a long time before you heard talking and the sound of people came closer to where your where sitting. You heard it come closer and getting up, you grabbed the reins of the horse pulling the horse to take the female horse in to the tree line that was bear for you both to hide.  you felt your heart beating fast as you could see the people come in to view.

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