You got to tell him - Chapter 8

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair colour(e/c) change to your eye colour

You watched the lands from the stairs at the vast green lands, you kept thinking in your mind what you had seen through the sphere you had took from Pipin. the wind blew your (h/c) hair gently, you had heard Pipin and Gandalf where going to Minas Tirith. Gandalf Rode off with Pipin on the white horse. it was silent till hearing Merry run up the outlook post and Aragorn following behind him.

You watched Merry and Aragorn for a moment remembering what Saron showed you when you held the orb.

------------ vision on holding orb-------------
You got up from a field, as everything was dark, the sky filled with dark clouds and red all over. you walked as you where alone but stood on something making a squishing noise. apon looking down was Aragorn face down on the ground bloody and slashed all over

"this isn't real,......this is not real " you kept saying it over and over trying not to panic. but it didnt work as the dead stood still bloody and souless, they just looked at you. all your friends, ally's and family. you covered your mouth terrified backing up " noo!"

before a long bomming voice came making you jump in terror " Yes, this will come to pass, your friends, ally's and all that you hold dear will die!"
you coughed chocking on the decaying and smell of thick blood. as your lower abdomen area ached, looking down showed your dress where your stomach was bloody all the way down. as horrifying noises of cry's where all around before you snaped back in to reality

After Merry left you and Aragron had met you at the stairs and you both took a spot to sit on some hay in the shade looking apon the mountains that sat in front of you both. " are you ok (y/n)" Aragorn asked as he was grinned some leaves in to his pipe to smoke. " yes im fine " you said pinching the bridge of your nose. " you don't need to lie (y/n) touched that orb for a while, to save pipin, saron must have showed you terrible things" he looked at you concerned

" amin tyava tereva Aragorn" you smiled, Aragorn lights the pipe and smokes and then blows some smoke from his mouth. Aragorn looked to see you watching him smoke. "malia a' try, (y/n) " you gave a nod as Aragorn helped you hold it telling you how to use it. Aragorn smiled as you took a breath in but coughed out the smoke, Aragorn started to laugh at you a little " its... Not funny!" you said nudging him

What seemed to last for so long the smiles and the teasing to each other ended, The beacons of Minas Tirith where lit, Aragorn stood and stepped forward a little to see the beacons lit. He Turned round to start running to the halls where king Théoden was with his men speaking, you where shocked following behind him. Aragorn's pace was quicker than your own as he burst in to the halls making Théoden turn towards him and saw you come in moments later " the Beacons of Minas Tirith!" he stoped centre of the halls " the Beacons are lit, Gondor calls for aid !"

" And Rohan will answer" Théoden looked to Aragorn then saw you walk to Aragorns side " Muster the Rohirrim ", Soon a bell as being chimed atop a tower as people walked all around Readying them self's to set out. you where unable to see Aragorn anywhere.

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