Our Wedding Chapter - 14

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(y/n) = change your name or characters name(h/c) = change to your hair color(e/c) change to your eye color


A few weeks later Aragorn and you where to be married in a day.  it was a stressful time as everything was going on; being at every planning event with Lord Celeborn and lady Galadriel. You where with them deciding on location "ugh.... saesa Lotesse lye sana y' rusva" you begged rubbing the sides your forehead, even know Aragorn sat beside you all the planning was very stressful.
" (y/n) lle sinta sina naa vital a' plan sina" Lord Celeborn said crossing his arms as Aragorn placed a hand on to your shoulder as he gave you a look, Aragorn could tell you where stressed and needed a break

" Lotesse lye sana y' rusva" Aragorn said looking at Lord Celeborn and lady Galadriel; Lord Celeborn sighed rubbing his eyes as he expected it to happen, lady Galadriel placed a hand on her husband's shoulder like she was talking to him in his mind.

Aragorn walked with you to a balcony to get some air after being excused " thank you Aragorn, all this planning is very stressful" you smiled , Aragorn nodded as he put his arms round your abdomen feeling her belly as he smiled very happy
" you've gotten sightly bigger haven't you" Aragorn nodded as he kissed your neck " i know the planning is stressful but we will get through it"

" i know, I've got you.....meaning i can get through it with you" smiling you both held out hands to the sky looking at the betrothal rings that each other had on their hands. " im glad we got betrothed....i am sorry that it wasn't longer, usually a year isn't it " Aragorn said sighing, you smiled at him telling him everything was ok, you where just glad to have him.

After a break you went back with him to sit with Lord Celeborn and lady Galadriel once again, listening to everything as they decided on the wedding to take place in Rivendell enableing people from every where to come and have feast at Gondor; they where planning to invite the hobbits, legolas and some of his kin, Elrond, and maybe some other people.
" everything sounds good for the wedding " Aragorn said holding your hand and smiled at each others, you then sighed glad to finish the planning.


After the long day you and Aragorn left back to the bed room. Aragorn followed his hands intertwined with yours, he loved you so much even know you both where not married yet, you did not care when people spoke about the short betrothal.
Aragorn layed with you in bed his arms round you both facing the same way
"nekte, sut naa lle feelien" Aragorn asked and you where brung closer by Aragorn who was smiling; you giggled as she turned around to him looking at his handsome face.
"quel, amin valina i' plannien naa tele" Aragorn smiled happy you where feeling better as he pulled you closely to kiss him ever so sweetly.
" my darling, i am glad you feel well" Aragorn smiled as he spoke then came closer to your ear " amin feitha ten' lle, say i' beth manka lle merna a' " his words made you shiver as his breath was on your neck; he was always so amazing when he tried to make you feel good or ask something he always knew how to make it irresistible.
You sat up slowly watching Aragorn who sat back on the bed looking at you. You got on top of him; as your butt sat on his area looking down at him as your long (h/c) hair fell down from its tied up position.


You took your laces of your dress off your top half of your dress; Aragorn helped you with the laces on your dress and pulled your dress off fully. Aragorn looked at you smiling as you where only in her undergarments.
He brought you into a kiss as he took both hands as he gently to intertwine with his own; he put his tongue in your mouth exploring it, this made you moan softly; Aragorn knew what exact places to kiss you or feel you, making it all seem so right.

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